摘 要 :本文记载了在广东鼎湖山所采到的牛肝菌科新种6种和新记录3种。它们是粘胶条孢牛肝菌(Boletellus viscosus Bi et Loh sp.nov.),普通条孢牛肝菌(Boletellusuulgaris Bi sp.nov.),类小牛肝菌(Boletinus Cavipoides Bi et Zheng sp.nov.),美牛肝菌(Boletus puellaris Bi et Loh Sp.nov.),小橙黄牛肝菌(Boletus miniato-aurantiacus Bi et Loh sp.nov.)和拟细牛肝菌(Boletus pseudo-parvulus Bi sp.nov.)等 6个新种以及混杂松塔牛肝菌(Strobilomyces confusus Singer),褐变牛肝菌(Boletus indecisus Peck)和栗褐小牛肝菌(Boletinus castanellus Peck)等3个新记录。以上全部标本保存于广东省微生物研究所标本室(HMIGD)。
Abstract:This report includes six new species and three new records of Boletaceae. Specimens were collected and identified by the authors. The new species are: Boletellus viscosus Bi & Loh sp. nov., Boletellus vulgaris Bi sp. nov., Boletinus cavipoides Bi & Zheng sp. nov., Boletus puellaris Bi & Loh sp. nov., Boletus miniato-aurantiacus Bi & Loh sp. nov. and Boletus pseudo-parvulus Bi sp. nov. Latin descriptions for these new species are in the text. All type specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Institute of Microbiology of Province Guangdong (HMIGD).