摘 要 :东阳产延胡索与大连产齿瓣延胡索经成分分离和TLC、HPLC对比,发现延胡索以啊扑啡类生物碱如glaucine为主,而齿瓣延胡索则合corynoline类生物碱。根据生物碱的类型及含量比较,二者有明显差异,结合延胡索的植物形态和植化分类特征判断,将延胡索作为与齿瓣延胡索近缘的独立种处理较为合理,即为Corydalis yanhusuo W. T. Wang ex Z. Y.Su et C.Y.Wu
Abstract:Yanhusuo, the dried tubers of a species affiliated to Corydalis remota Fisch. ex Maxim., is one of the most famous Chinese herbal drugs frequently used as an analgesic in this country. The taxonomical treatment of Yanhusuo has been very confused and difficult because of the wide variations of its morphological features. However, the isoquinoline alkaloids in the above plants were found to be qualitatively and quantitatively different. The aporphinc type alkaloids such as glaucine were found in Yanhusuo while corynoline type alkaloids found in C. remota. These results can be used to differentiate them each other, even by a simple authenticated TLC chromatogram described in this paper. Therefore, it is more rational to consider that Yanhusuo as an indepen-dent species Corydalis yanhusuo W. T. Wang ex Z. Y. Su et C. Y. Wu than as C.turtschaninovii Bess f. yanhusuo Y. H. Chou et C. C. Hsu or others.