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Studies on chemical constituents of root of Polygala tenuifolia (Yuanzhi) Ⅰ


全 文 :SO-d6 ): 174. 5( C-1, 7) , 33. 6( C-2, 6) , 28. 4, ( C-4) ,
28. 4( C-3, 5) , 24. 5( C-8, 9)。 EI-M S m( rel. int ): 171
( M- 17, 25) , 152( 40) , 137( 10) , 124( 20) , 111( 45) ,
98( 20) , 83( 54) , 73( 24) , 69( 46) , 60( 56) , 55( 100)。
综合上述数据推定此化合物结构为 4, 4′-二甲基-1,
7-庚二酸。该化合物虽有文献 [ 4]提及 ,但无光谱数据
化合物Ⅱ :白色结晶 , mp> 300℃ (氧化 ) ,易溶
于水。 EI-M S m /z ( rel. int. ): 181( M+ + H, 5) , 144
( 5) , 102( 10) , 73( 100) , 60( 25) ; 1HNMR( DM SO-
d6 )∶ 4. 63( 1H, s, HO) , 2. 96( 1H, s, H) ; 13 CNMR
( DM SO-d6 )δ: 74. 2。以上数据与文献 [2, 3 ]报道一致 ,
化合物Ⅲ : 白色针晶 , mp 152℃~ 154℃ ,溶于
氯仿 ,磷钼酸呈紫红色斑点。与豆甾醇对照品混合熔
点不下降 ,薄层层析 Rf值 , IR, EI-M S与豆甾醇一
化合物Ⅳ: 白色粉末 , mp 272℃~ 273℃ ,溶于
甲醇 , IRνKBrmax ( cm- 1 ): 3 420, 1 640, 1 480, 1 390。EI-
M S m /z ( rel. int. ): 412 (苷元 , 10) , 394 ( 20) , 382
( 9) , 275( 10) , 255( 20)。与维太菊苷对照品混合熔点
不下降 ,薄层层析 Rf值 , IR均与维太菊苷一致。确
化合物Ⅴ : 白色结晶 , PC与 TLC检识与对照品
鼠李糖一致。 FAB-M S m /z: 165( M+ + 1) ; EI-M S
m /z ( rel. int ): 146 ( M+ - 18, 10) , 115 ( 20) , 103
( 70) , 85( 20) , 73( 100) , 69( 50) , 57( 90) , 43( 65)。 薄
化合物Ⅵ : 白色结晶 ( M eOH) ,易溶于水 ,有甜
味。与对照品蔗糖纸层析 , Rf值相同。薄层酸水解 [5 ]
检出葡萄糖和果糖 ,推断化合物Ⅵ 为蔗糖。
磁共振谱 ;北京微量化学所涂光忠同志代测 HM-
BC;徐莉同志代测 ESIM S;军事医学科学院分析中
[1 ] 中国科学院植物志编辑委员会 . 中国植物志 .第四十三卷 ,第
三分册 [M ] .北京:科学出版社 , 1997.
[ 2] 丛浦珠 ,苏克曼 . 分析化学手册 . 第九分册 .第二版 [M ].北
京:化学工业出版社 , 2000.
[ 3] 于德泉 ,杨峻山 . 分析化学手册 . 第七分册 .第二版 [M ].北
京:化学工业出版社 , 2000.
[ 4]  Lemuel D W , Judi th A P. Ef fect of cer tain compounds on sol-
ubi li t y of choles terol in cocon ut oi l [ J] . Proc Soc Exp tl Biol
M ed, 1964, 115: 497-504.
[ 5] 赵萍萍 ,李宝明 ,何丽一 . 苷中结合糖测定方法的研究 [ J ].药
学学报 , 1987, 22( 1): 70-74.
Studies on chemical constituents of root
of Polygala tenuifolia ( Yuanzhi) Ⅰ
JIAN G Yong , TU Peng-fei
( Modern Resea rch Cente r of TCM; Depar tment o f Na tural Medicines, School o f Pharmaceutica l Sciences,
Peking Univ er sity Health Sciences Center , Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: Object  To study the chemical consti tuents o f the ro ot o f tradi tional Chinese medicine
“ Yuanzhi” ( Polygala tenuifol ia Willd. ) . Methods  Seperation and purification w ere perfo rmed on silica
g el, Sephadex LH-20 and ODS CC. Their st ructures w ere established on the basis of phy sico chemical and
spect ral analysis. Results  Five compounds w ere isola ted and identi fied as tenuifoliside B (Ⅰ ) , methy l 3,
4, 5-trimethoxycinnama te (Ⅱ ) , polyg alaxanthone Ⅲ (Ⅲ ) , 7-O-methylmangiferin (Ⅳ ) and lancerin
(Ⅴ ) , respectiv ely. Conclusion  CompoundsⅡ andⅣ were iso lated f rom the plant of Polygala L. for the
fi rst time and compound V was isolated f rom P. tenuifol ia fo r the first time.
·874· 中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2002年第 33卷第 10期
收稿日期: 2002-01-12作者简介: 姜 勇 ( 1972-) ,女 ,现就读于北京大学医学部攻读生药学博士学位 ,研究方向为天然活性物质与新药研究。 E-mai l: jy72520
@ sina. com。
* 通讯作者: Tel: ( 010) 62092750   E-mai l: pengfeitu@ bjmu. edu. cn
Key words: Polygala tenui folia Willd; sucrose esters; x anthone g lyco sides
远志的化学成分研究 (Ⅰ )
姜 勇 ,屠鹏飞
(北京大学 中医药现代研究中心 ,北京大学药学院 天然药物学系 ,北京  100083)
摘 要: 目的 研究中药远志 Polygala tenuifolia根中的化学成分。方法 采用硅胶、 Sephadex LH-20及 ODS柱层
析进行分离纯化 ,通过理化性质和光谱分析鉴定结构。结果 从中分离得到了 5个化合物 ,分别鉴定为 tenuifo liside
B (Ⅰ ) , 3, 4, 5-三甲氧基肉桂酸甲酯 (Ⅱ ) , polyg ala xanthoneⅢ (Ⅲ ) , 7-O-methylmangiferin (Ⅳ )和 la ncerin (Ⅴ )。结
论 化合物Ⅱ和Ⅳ为首次从远志属植物中分离得到 ,化合物Ⅴ为首次从远志植物中分离得到。
关键词: 远志 ;蔗糖酯 ; 酮苷
中图分类号: R284. 1   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2002) 10 0874 04
    The roo t o f Polygala temuifolia Willd. ,
“ Yuanzhi” is a w ell-known traditional Chinese
medicine used as an expecto rant, to nic, seda tive
and dementia preventing agent[1 ] . It w as review ed
that v arious xanthones, saponins and o lig osaccha-
ride esters had existed in this plant
[2 ] . But the pre-
cise mechanisms o f the therapeutic ef fects, espe-
cially o f dementia preventing effect of P. tenui foli-
a , w ere no t completely understood. In o rder to de-
termine the activ e components in this plant , a sy s-
tematic chemical study w as made on the root of P.
tenuifol ia f rom the main production area , Shanx i
Province. In previous paper, the st ructure elucida-
tion o f two new xanthone O-g lycosides
[3 ]
was re-
ported. In this paper, ano ther fiv e compounds iso-
lated from the roo ts o f P . tenuifolia were continu-
osly repo rted, they are: tenuifoliside B (Ⅰ ) ,
methyl 3, 4, 5-trimethoxycinnama te (Ⅱ ) , po ly-
ga lax anthone (Ⅲ ) , 7-O-methy lmangi ferin (Ⅳ ) ,
and lancerin (Ⅴ ) . Among them , compounds Ⅱ
andⅣ were isolated f rom the plants of Polygala
fo r the fi rst time and compound Ⅴ was obtained
from P. tenui fol ia L. for the fi rst time.
1  Instruments and materials
Mps unco rr. were carried out using a X T4A
mel ting point appa ratus. UV spect ra w ere reco rd-
ed on a TU-1901 spect rophotometer, whereas IR
spect ra w ere obtained on an AV A TER-360 spec-
trophotometer. ESI-M S spect ra w ere perfo rmed at
a QST AR spect rometer , while FAB-M S were ob-
tained on a KYKY-ZHP-5# mass spect rometer.
HNM R and
CNMR spect ra w ere measured on a
JEO L JNM-A300 spect rometer, w hi le COSY,
HMQC and HMBC spect ra w ere performed on
Bruker AM-500. D101 resin ( Tianjin Chemical
Co. ) . CC: si lica g el ( 200-300 mesh, Qingdao M a-
rine Chemical Facto ry) .
The ro ot o f P . tenuifolia was bought f rom
Taiyuan Chinese Medicinal Ma terials Co. , Shanxi
Province. The plant w as identified by Professo r
TU Peng-fei , f rom Schoo l o f Pharmaceutical Sci-
ences, Peking Univ ersi ty Health Sciences Center.
2  Extraction and isolation
The air-dried roo ts o f P. tenuifol ia ( 11 kg )
w ere g round and ref luxed wi th 95% EtO H fo r
th ree times. The ex t ract was combined and evapo-
rated in vacuo to yield 4. 9 kg of residue, a portion
( 2 kg ) of which w as suspended in w ater and ex-
tracted successively w ith petro leum , CHCl3 and n-
BuOH. Parts of the n-BuOH ex tract w ere subject-
ed to a macroporous resin D101 co lum ( 11. 5 cm×
85. 5 cm ) , and eluted w ith H2O, 20% , 50% ,
70% , and 95% EtO H. The 20% EtO H eluate
( 19. 8 g ) w as chroma tog raphed on a silica gel CC,
eluting wi th CHCl3 -M eOH-H2O from the ratio of
6∶ 1∶ 0 to 7∶ 3∶ 0. 5. Fr. 17-19, w ere rechro-
matog raphed on a reduced pressure si lica g el CC,
eluted wi th CHCl3-M eOH-H2O ( 80∶ 20∶ 5 low er
phase) g aveⅠ ( 247. 2 mg ) . Fr. 20-39 w ere per-
fo rmed on a reduced pressure silica gel CC, w ith
CHCl3-M eOH-H2O ( 80∶ 20∶ 5 low er phase ) as
eluent to af fo rd 22 fractions. Among them , Fr. 5-
11 puri fied by ODS and Sephadex LH-20 furnishⅡ
( 57. 4 mg ) , Fr. 12-22 w ere recry stalli zed w ith
·875·中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2002年第 33卷第 10期
MeOH to giveⅣ ( 56. 7 mg ) , Fr. 40-49 w ere fi rst-
ly chromato-g raphed on si lica g el, then purified
w ith Sephadex LH-20 and ODS to giv eⅤ ( 13. 3
mg ) . Fr. 60-91 were recrystalli zed w ith M eOH to
giv eⅢ ( 17. 6 mg ) .
3  Structure elucidation
CompoundⅠ : Yellow amo rphous powder. IR
νKBrmax ( cm- 1 ) 3 403 ( O H) , 1 700 ( C= O ) , 1 631
( C= C ) , 1 607, 1 516, 1 459 ( aromatic ring ) .
FAB-M S m /z: 667 [ M - H ]
- , 689 [M+ Na-
2H]- . 1 HNMR ( CD3OD, 300 MHz): δ7. 90 ( 2H,
d, J= 9. 0 Hz, H-2, 6″′) , 7. 70 ( 1H, d, J= 15. 9
Hz, H-7″) , 6. 92 ( 2H, s, H-2″, 6″) , 6. 81 ( 2H, d,
J= 8. 7 Hz, H-3″′, 5″′) , 6. 45 ( 1H, d, J= 15. 9
Hz, H-8″) , 5. 49 ( 1H, d, J= 3. 9 Hz, H-1′) , 5. 47
( 1H, d, J= 8. 4 Hz, H-3) , 3. 86 ( 6H, s, H-3″, 5″-
OM e) , 4. 8-3. 4 ( H o f sugars) . 13 CNMR ( CD3OD,
300 MHz): 168. 2 ( C-7″′, 9″) , 163. 6 ( C-4″′) ,
149. 4 ( C-3″, 5″) , 148. 0 ( C-7″) , 139. 6 ( C-4″) ,
133. 0 ( C-2″′, 6″′) , 126. 6 ( C-1″) , 122. 1 ( C-
1″′) , 116. 2 ( C-3″′, 5″′) , 115. 4 ( C-8″) , 107. 0
( C-2″, 6″) , 104. 9 ( C-2) , 93. 1 ( C-1′) , 84. 1 ( C-
5) , 79. 5 ( C-3) , 74. 9 ( C-3′) , 74. 0 ( C-4) , 73. 1
( C-2′) , 72. 5 ( C-5′) , 71. 6 ( C-4′) , 65. 6 ( C-1) ,
65. 1 ( C-6′) , 63. 4 ( C-6) , 56. 9 ( 3″, 5″-OMe ) .
Comparing wi th the repo rted data[4 ] , the st ructure
o f compound Ⅰ was identified as β -D-( 3-O-
sinapoylf ruco to fu-rano syl-α-D-[ 6-O-( p-hydroxy-
benzoyl) ]-g lucopy ranoside, i . e. tenuifoliside B.
Compound Ⅱ : Whi te needle ( methano l /
H2O) , mp 92℃-94℃ . 1HNMR ( DM SO-d6 , 300
MHz): 7. 59 ( 1H, d, J= 15. 9 Hz, H-7) , 6. 33
( 1H, d, J= 15. 9 Hz, H-8) , 6. 73 ( 2H, s, H-2,
6) , 3. 86 ( 6H, s, 3, 5-OMe ) , 3. 85 ( 3H, s, 4-
OM e) , 3. 78 ( 3H, s, -COOMe ) . Comparing the
HNM R data wi th tho se of 3, 4, 5-trimethoxy-cin-
nammic acid
[ 5] , a n addi tional methy l signal ap-
pea red and the active hydrogen signal of -COOH
CNMR ( DM SO-d6 , 300 M Hz ):
167. 4 ( C-9 ) , 153. 4 ( C-3, 5) , 144. 8 ( C-7 ) ,
140. 2 ( C-4) , 129. 8 ( C-1) , 117. 0 ( C-8) , 105. 2
( C-2, 6) , 60. 9 ( 4-OM e) , 56. 1 ( 3, 5-OM e) , 51. 7
( -COOMe ) . ESI-M S m /z: 253 [ M+ H ]
+ , 221
[M- OCH3 ]+ . Thus, compoundⅡ was elucidated
to be methyl 3, 4, 5-trimethoxycinnamate.
Compound Ⅲ : Yellow powder, mp 204℃-
206 ℃ . UV λMeOHmax nm: 363, 316, 258, 241.
1HNMR ( DM SO-d6 , 300 MHz): 13. 74 ( 1H, s, C-
1-OH) , 7. 45 ( 1H, s, H-8) , 6. 91 ( 1H, s, H-5) ,
6. 40 ( 1H, s, H-4) , 4. 70 ( 1H, d, J= 3 Hz, H-1 of
Api ) , 4. 58 ( 1H, d, J= 9. 9 Hz, H-1 of Glu) ,
4. 05 ( 1H, t , H-2 of Glu) , 3. 89 ( 3H, s, OMe) ,
3. 85 ( 1H, d, J= 9. 3 Hz, H-5 o f Api ) , 3. 74 ( 1H,
br s, H-2 of Api ) , 3. 57 ( 1H, d, J= 9. 3 Hz, H-5
of Api ) , 3. 5-3. 2 ( ov erlapped, H-6, 3 o f Glu, H-4
of Api ) , 3. 19 ( 1H, dd, H-4 o f Glu) , 3. 08 ( 1H,
m, H-5 of Glu) .
CNM R ( DM SO-d6 , 300 M Hz):
180. 0 ( C-9) , 163. 9 ( C-3) , 161. 8 ( C-1) , 156. 2
( C-4a) , 154. 7 ( C-6) , 151. 7 ( C-4b) , 146. 1 ( C-
7) , 111. 4 ( C-8a) , 109. 1 ( C-1 of Api ) , 107. 7 ( C-
2) , 104. 8 ( C-8) , 102. 7 ( C-5) , 101. 3 ( C-8b) ,
93. 5 ( C-4) , 79. 9 ( C-5 of Glu ) , 78. 9 ( C-3 of
Glu) , 78. 8 ( C-3 o f Api ) , 75. 6 ( C-2 of Api) , 73. 2
( C-1 of Glu) , 73. 0 ( C-4 o f Api ) , 70. 7 ( C-4 of
Glu) , 68. 5 ( C-6 o f Glu) , 62. 9 ( C-5 of Api) , 55. 9
( OM e) . FAB-M S m /z: 568 [M ]
. All of these
da ta were in good ag reement w ith those repo rted
da ta of 2-C-[β -D-apifurano syl-( 1→ 6 ) -β-D-g lu-
copy ranosyl ]-1, 3, 6-trihydroxy-7-methoxyxan-
[6 ]
. So compoundⅢ was identi fied as 2-C-[β-
D-apifuranosyl-( 1→ 6) -β-D-g lucopyranosyl ]-1, 3,
6-trihydroxy-7-methoxyxanthone, i . e. po lyg ala-
xanthoneⅢ .
Compound Ⅳ: Yellow powder, mp 249℃-
250℃ . UVλM eOHmax nm: 359, 316, 258, 241. IRνKBrmax
( cm- 1 ): 3 431 ( O H) , 1 648 ( chela ted C= O ) ,
1 618, 1 588, 1 481 ( a romatic ring ) .
( DM SO-d6 , 300 M Hz): 13. 74 ( 1H, s, C-1-OH) ,
10. 89, 10. 69 ( 2H, br s, -O H× 2) , 7. 45 ( 1H, s,
H-8) , 6. 92 ( 1H, s, H-5) , 6. 40 ( 1H, s, H-2) ,
4. 59 ( 1H, d, J= 9. 9 Hz, H-1 o f Glu) , 4. 07 ( 1H,
br s, H-2 of Glu ) , 3. 89 ( 3H, s, OMe ) , 3. 68
( 1H, dd, H-4 o f Glu) , 3. 5-3. 2 ( ov erlapped, H-3,
5, 6 of Glu ) .
CNMR ( DM SO-d6 , 300 MHz):
179. 0 ( C-9) , 164. 0 ( C-3) , 161. 8 ( C-1) , 156. 2
( C-4a) , 154. 6 ( C-6) , 151. 7 ( C-4b) , 146. 0 ( C-
7 ) , 111. 4 ( C-8a ) , 107. 9 ( C-2) , 104. 8 ( C-8) ,
102. 8 ( C-5) , 101. 3 ( C-8b ) , 93. 4 ( C-4) , 81. 7
·876· 中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2002年第 33卷第 10期
( C-5 of Glu ) , 79. 0 ( C-3 of Glu ) , 73. 1 ( C-1 of
Glu) , 70. 7 ( C-4 of Glu) , 70. 1 ( C-2 o f Glu) , 61. 6
( C-6 of Glu) , 55. 9 ( OM e) . FAB-M S m /z: 453
[M- H ]
. Furthermo re, comparing the data wi th
the repo rted values
[7 ] , the st ructure of Ⅳ was
cha racterized as 2-C-β -D-glucopy ranosyl-1, 3, 6-
trihydroxy-7-methoxy-xanthone, i. e. 7-O-meth-
y lmangiferin.
Compound Ⅴ : Yellow powder, mp 203℃ -
204℃ . UVλMeOHmax nm: 378, 313, 261, 231. IRνKBrmax
( cm- 1 ): 3 378 ( O H) , 1 648 ( chelated C= O ) ,
1 613, 1 475( a romatic ring ) .
HNMR ( DM SO-d6 ,
300 MHz): 13. 08 ( 1H, s, C-1-OH) , 10. 00 ( 1H,
s, OH) , 7. 40 ( 1H, overlapped, H-5) , 7. 39 ( 1H,
d, J= 2. 7 Hz, H-8) , 7. 30 ( 1H, dd, J= 2. 7, 9
Hz, H-6) , 6. 26 ( 1H, s, H-2) , 4. 02 ( 1H, m , H-2
o f Glu) , 3. 70 ( 1H, br d, J= 12 Hz, H-6 of Glu) ,
3. 36 ( 1H, overlapped, H-6 o f Glu) , 3. 23 ( 3H,
m , H-2, 3, 5 of Glu) .
CNMR ( DM SO-d6 , 300
MHz): 179. 9 ( C-9) , 161. 8 ( C-1) , 153. 9 ( C-7) ,
148. 9 ( C-4b) , 124. 5 ( C-6) , 120. 1 ( C-8a) , 119. 1
( C-5) , 107. 8 ( C-8) , 104. 4 ( C-4) , 101. 8 ( C-8b) ,
97. 9 ( C-2) , 81. 6 ( C-5 of Glu ) , 78. 8 ( C-3 of
Glu) , 73. 3 ( C-1 o f Glu) , 70. 9 ( C-4 of Glu) , 70. 8
( C-2 of Glu) , 61. 7 ( C-6 of Glu ) . FAB-M S m /z:
405 [M - H ]
. In HMBC spect ra, the signal of
δ4. 71 ( 1H, d, J= 9. 9 Hz, H-1 of Glu) w as co rre-
lated wi thδ104. 4 ( C-4) , 156. 2 ( C-4a) and 165. 4
( C-3) , so compoundⅤ was determined to be 4-C-
β-D-g lucopyranosyl-1, 3-dihydro xy-7-methoxy-
xanthone, i . e. lancerin
[6 ] .
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周大铮 ,易杨华* ,毛士龙 ,吕泰省 ,许强芝 ,汤海峰 ,张淑瑜 ,邹峥嵘
(第二军医大学药学院 海洋药物研究中心 ,上海  200433)
摘 要: 目的 研究香榧假种皮二萜类成分。方法 采用低压柱层析、中压柱层析等色谱技术对香榧假种皮的二氯
甲烷萃取部分进行分离 ,用 1 HNM R、 13CNM R、 EI-M S、 IR鉴定化学结构。 结果 得到了 5个二萜化合物 ,分别为香
榧酯 (Ⅰ )、 18-氧弥罗松酚 (Ⅱ )、 18-羟基弥罗松酚 (Ⅲ )、花柏酚 (Ⅳ )、 4-epiaga thadia l (Ⅴ )。结论 化合物Ⅱ ~ Ⅴ为首
关键词: 香榧 ;二萜 ;红豆杉科
中图分类号: R284. 1   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2002) 10 0877 03
Diterpenoids from aril of Torreya grandis cv. merrilli
ZHOU Da-zheng , YI Yang-hua, M AO Shi-long , LU¨ Tai-sheng , XU Qiang-zhi,
T ANG Hai-feng , ZHANG Shu-yu, ZOU Zheng-rong
( Reseach Center fo r Ma rine Drugs, Co lleg e of Pha rmacy , Second Militar y M edical Univ ersity, Shanghai 200433, China)
Abstract: Object  To study the diterpenoids f rom the ari l of Torreya grandis cv. merril li . Methods 
·877·中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2002年第 33卷第 10期
收稿日期: 2001-12-12作者简介:周大铮 ( 1965-) ,男 ,浙江上虞人 , 1986年毕业于第二军医大学药学院 ,学士学位 , 2001年获硕士学位 ,现在第二军医大学药学院攻读博士学位 ,导师易杨华 ,研究方向为天然药物化学。 E-mai l: zhoud z@ hotmail. com
* 通讯作者

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