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Stellera chamae jasme induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells and regulated expression of bcl-2 protein in SGC-7901 cells


全 文 :过降低肿瘤细胞膜钙泵活性、开放肿瘤细胞膜钙通
道及引起肿瘤细胞内钙库释放 3条途径升高细胞内
[Ca2+ ]i。
[1 ] 季宇彬 ,高世勇 ,孔 琪 ,等 . 海嘧啶抗肿瘤作用的实验研究
[ J] .中草药 , 2001, 32( 6): 524-527.
[2 ] 季宇彬 ,张秀娟 ,孔 琪 ,等 . 海嘧啶对 H22小鼠完整细胞膜脂
流动性及人胃腺癌细胞内 DN A含量影响的研究 [ J ] . 中草
药 , 2001, 32( 8): 713-715.
[3 ] 季宇彬 ,高世勇 ,孔 琪 ,等 .海嘧啶对 SGC-7901人胃癌细胞
凋亡的影响 [ J ]. 中草药 , 2001, 32( 10): 901-904.
[4 ] 杨易兴 . 心力衰竭患者心肌细胞的钙泵活性 [ J] .中国危重病
急救医学 , 1996, 8( 1): 44.
[5 ]  Cole K A, Kohn E C. Calcium-mediated signal t ransdation bi-
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1994, 13: 33-34.
[6 ] 曹泽毅 . 激素受体及临床应用 [M ] . 北京:北京医科大学中国
协和医科大学联合出版社 , 1993.
[ 7] 陈 葳 ,李 旭 . 5-氟脲嘧啶诱导人卵巢癌细胞凋亡的实验研
究 [ J ]. 肿瘤防治研究 , 1988, 25( 2): 100.
[8 ]  Tauber R. Menmb ranes in Tum or Grow th [M ]. Els evion
Biomedical Pres s, 1982.
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Stellera chamaejasme induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells and
regulated expression of bcl-2 protein in SGC-7901 cells
JIA Zheng-ping
1 , WANG Yan-guang
1 , FAN Jun-jie
2 , XIE Jing-w en
2 ,
XU Li-ting
, LIU Sheng
   ( 1. Depa r tment o f Chemistr y , Zhe jiang Univ ersity, Hang zhou Zhejiang 310027, China; 2. Depar tment o f Pha rmacy ,
Gener al Hospital o f Lanzhou Command PLA, Lanzhou Gansu 730050, China)
   Abstract: Object  To explo re the anti tumo r mechanism of Stellera chamaejasme Linn. ( SC) . Meth-
ods  SC containing-serum ( SCCS) w as deriv ed f rom mice pret reated w ith dif ferent doses o f SC. Cultured
human leukemia HL-60 and human gastric adenocarcinoma SGC-7901 cells were used. Inhibi tion of prolif-
eration w as measured using M TT assay. Mo rphological assessment of apoptosis w as perfo rmed wi th f luo-
rescence micro scope. DN A fragmenta tion w as assessed by aga rose gel elect ropho resis and f low cytometry.
Expression o f bcl-2 pro tein w as measured wi th immunohistochemist ry. Results  Exposure of exponentially
g row ing HL-60 cells to mice serum containing 10% SC ( pret rea ted w ith SC 3, 6, and 12 g /kg ) fo r 48 h re-
sul ted in grow th inhibi tion in a do se-dependent manner. Typical morpho logical changes of apopto sis and
DN A fragmentation in HL-60 cel ls were induced. “ Apobodies” in the apopto tic cells w ere observ ed, “ lad-
der” pat tern o f aga rose gel elect ropho resis o f DN A from these cel ls w as revealed, and the percentag e of
apopto tic cells wi th f ractional DN A content increased f rom 11. 7% to 57. 4% . Treatment wi th SC contain-
ing serum decreased the percentage of SGC-7901 cells of bcl -2 pro tein posi tive expression f rom 78. 3% to
32. 9% . Conclusion  SC could induce apoptosis of HL-60 cells and decrease the expression of bcl-2 pro tein
o f gast ric adenoca rcinoma SGC-7901 cells.
Key words: Stellera chamaejasme Linn. ; apoptosis; bcl-2 pro tein; cul tured tumor cells; flow cy tome-
try; aga ro se gel elect ropho resis
瑞香狼毒诱导 HL-60细胞凋亡和
调节 SGC-7901细胞 bcl-2蛋白表达
贾正平 1 ,王彦广1 ,樊俊杰2 ,谢景文 2 ,徐丽婷 2 ,刘 盛 2
( 1. 浙江大学 化学系 ,浙江 杭州  310027;  2. 兰州军区兰州总医院 药剂科 ,甘肃 兰州  730050)
·1097·中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2001年第 32卷第 12期
收稿日期: 2000-10-12基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 No29972054作者简介:贾正平 ,男 , 40岁 ,理学博士 ,兰州军区兰州总医院主任药师 ,解放军第四军医大学硕士生导师 ,教授。 现在浙江大学化学系做博士后研究。主要研究方向 ;中药及肿瘤药理学。完成的鬼臼毒素衍生物抗肿瘤药理学研究获军队科技进步二等奖。  Tel:
( 0931) 8975478
摘 要 :目的 探索瑞香狼素 ( SC)抗肿瘤机制。方法 以 HL-60和 SGC-7901为靶细胞 ,用 M TT
比色法测定细胞增殖抑制 ,荧光显微镜观察凋亡细胞的形态学改变 , DN A电泳和流式细胞仪检测
DNA断裂 ,免疫组化检测 bcl -2蛋白表达。结果 含 SC药物血清处理细胞 48 h后 , HL-60细胞增
殖呈剂量依赖性抑制 ,并表现出典型的凋亡细胞形态学改变及 DN A断裂: 即染色体聚集、核固缩、
断裂及阶梯状 DN A电泳条带 , G1期前细胞从 11. 7% 增至 57. 4% ;而 SGC-7901细胞 bcl -2蛋白表
达率从 78. 3% 下降到 32. 9%。结论  SC可诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡 ,降低 bcl-2蛋白表达。
关键词:瑞香狼毒 ;凋亡 ; bcl-2蛋白 ;培养的肿瘤细胞 ;流式细胞计数 ;琼脂凝胶电泳
中图分类号: R286. 91   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2001) 12 1097 05
   Stellera chamaejasme Linn. ( SC ) used as a
Chinese herb medicine is the radix of the plant S.
[1 ]
. In our prev ious w ork
[2~ 4 ]
, i t wa s
found tha t SC inhibited g row th of t ransplantable
mouse tumors, sa rcoma 180, hepatic ca rcinoma
HePS and lung carcinoma Lewis. In vitro , the
Stel lera chamaejasme containing-serum ( SCCS) of
mouse exhibi ted remarkable inhibi to ry ef fects on
proliferation, clone fo rmation and incorporation of
[3H] deoxythymidine into DN A o f mouse leukemia
L1210 cells. In order to obtain further insight of i t s
mechanism of anti tumo r activ ity, this study is fo-
cused on whether SC could induce apopto sis in hu-
man leukemia HL-60 cells and regula te expression
o f bcl-2 pro tein in human gast ric adenocarinoma
SGC-7901 cells.
1 Materials and methods
1. 1  Reagents: SC w as purchased from the De-
partment o f Chinese Herb M edicine, Lanzhou Cen-
ter of Drug Supply and its authentici ty identified
by professor Xie Jingw en. 3-[ 4, 5-dimethy lthia
zol-2-y l ]-2, 5-dipheny ltetrazo lium bromide ( M TT)
and RPM I-1640 medium were the products o f Sig-
1. 2  Prepa ra tion of SCCS: 200 g SC coarse pow-
der w as ex t racted wi th 500 mL wa ter at 100℃ fo r
30 h, coo led and fil tered. The fi lt rate w as concen-
trated to 200 m L to giv e the SC ex tract. 40 mice
w ere divided into four g roups, and treated o ral ly
w ith the SC ex tracts at do ses of 0, 3, 6, 12 g /kg
respectiv ely. Af ter 2 h, blood of mice was collect-
ed under aseptic condi tion, and the SCCS w as ob-
tained by centri fuging ( 1 000× g fo r 10 min. ) .
1. 3  Cell culture and drug t reatment: Human
leukemic HL-60 cells and human gast ric adenocar-
cinoma SGC-7901 cells were purchased from
Shanghai Insti tute of Cel l Biolo gy , Chinese Acade-
my of Sciences, and maintained in RPM I-1640
medium supplemented w ith 10% hea t-inactiv ated
calf serum , penicillin 100 kU /L, and st reptomycin
100 mg /L in a humidified a tmosphere containing
5% CO2 a t 37℃ . Exponentially g rowing cells ( 5×
107 cells /L ) w ere exposed to 10% SCCS derived
f rom mice pretreated o rally wi th dif ferent doses of
SCCS fo r 48 h. The cel ls w ere harv ested by cen-
tri fuging a t 200× g and w ashed wi th BPS.
1. 4  Cell g row th and mo rphological assessment:
Cell viability w as determined by M T T assay. Fo r
observation of chroma tin condensa tion, cell s w ere
stained by 4 , 6-diamido-2-phenylindole hydroch-
lo ride[6 ] . The condensed ch romatin pa rts contain-
ing some cy toplasm that appeared as “ do ts” under
f luo rescence microscope w ere called as“ Apobodi-
es” .
1. 5  Determination of DN A content by f low cy-
tometry: The DN A deg radation of apoptotic cells
w as determined direct ly by f low cy tometry
[5 ] .
Brief ly, the cells cul tured wi th SCCS fo r 48 h w ere
w ashed twice wi th PBS and fix ed in co ld 70%
ethano l for 24 h at 0℃~ 4℃ . Af ter removal of
ethano l, the cells w ere incuba ted in PBS containing
RNase A 50 mg /L at 37℃ for 1 h and stained w ith
10 mg /L propidium iodide ( PI, Sigma) at 37℃ fo r
1 h. Distribution of cell s wi th dif ferent DN A con-
tents was determined on f low cytometry ( Becton
Dickinson) . Apopto tic cells w ere calculated by de-
termining the percentag e of cell s wi th a DN A con-
tent less than that o f G1 pha se.
1. 6  DNA gel elect rophoresis: Af ter 48 h incuba-
tion wi th SCCS, f ragmented DN A was analyzed by
elect ropho resis. Th e cellular DN A was ex t racted,
dialy zed and elect ropho resed in 1. 8% agarose gel.
·1098· 中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2001年第 32卷第 12期
DNA was v isualized wi th ethidium bromide.
1. 7  Bcl -2 immunohistochemical analysis: The
SGC-7901 cells g row n on coverg lass were t reated
w ith SCCS fo r 48 h. Washed wi th 0. 01 M PBS
buffer twice, the cells w ere fix ed w ith acetone con-
taining 1% H2O2 at 25℃~ 30℃ for 20~ 30 min,
then w ashed wi th 0. 01 M PBS 3 times, and incu-
bated wi th anti-bal -2 pro tein mouse monoclonal
antibody ( 1∶ 40, Boehringer M annheim ) at 4℃
fo r 24 h. Af ter w ashed wi th 0. 01 M PBS 3 times,
biotiny lated goa t antimouse Ig G ( 1∶ 200 fo r 30
min, V ecto r ) , avidin-bio tin complex ( 1∶ 100 fo r
45 min, Vector ) , a nd DBA were used. Finally ,
the cells w ere dehydrated wi th abso lute alcoho l,
clea red in xylene, and then cover-slipped. The
percentag e of po sitiv e cells w as independent ly as-
sessed in blind fashion by tw o pathologists ( 2 000
consecutiv e cells in each sample w ere counted) .
1. 8  Sta tistical analy sis: Data w ere expressed a s
x± s and analy zed by t-test.
2  Results
2. 1  Cell g row th-inhibi to ry effect: A dose-depen-
dent inhibition of HL-60 cell prolifera tion was
found af ter t rea tment w ith 10% SCCS fo r 48 h
( Tab 1) . IC50 was 6. 5 g /kg ( the doses o f SC were
preadminist rated o rally to the mice fo r 2 h) .
Tab 1.  Ef fects of S. chamae jasme ( SC) on prolif eration
and apoptosis in HL-60 cells, n= 6 wells ( 5× 107
cells /L, 200μL /well) . The cells exposed to 10%
SCCS derived from mice administrated orally with
SC for 48 h. x± s. * * P < 0. 01 vs control
SC ( g /kg ) M TT( A540) Inhibiti on (% ) Apop totic cells (% )
0 1. 38± 0. 05 11. 7
3 0. 97± 0. 08* * 29. 7  27. 3
6 0. 65± 0. 05* * 52. 9  39. 6
12 0. 36± 0. 04* * 73. 9  57. 4
2. 2  Cell morpho logical assessment: Af ter t rea t-
ment with SCCS for 48 h, the“ dot ted” chromatin
in HL-60 cells, which w as condensed chromatin
and divided into “ Apobodies” appea red in a large
cell subpopulation under f luo rescence micro scope
( Fig 1) .
2. 3  DNA fragmentation: Aga ro se gel elec-
trophoreses of DN A ex tracted f rom HL-60 cells
t reated w ith SCCS fo r 48 h revealed a“ ladder” pa t-
ter n ( Fig 2) .
A-con trol; B-cel ls expos ed to 10% SCC S of
mice administ rated wi th SC 12 g /kg for 48 h
Fig 1.  Fluorescence of HL-60 cells
stained with AO, × 200
A-DNA marker; B-con trol; C-cells exposed to 10% SCCS of
mice pretreated w ith SC 3 g /kg; D-w ith SC 12 g /k g
Fig 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracted
from HL-60 cells exposed to SCCS for 48 h
2. 4  DNA deg radation: Apopto tic cells were dis-
tinguished by their f ractional DN A content less
than that of G1 phase, while the nonapopto tic cells
w ere classi fied as G1 , S, and G2 /M phases o f the
cell cycle. Af ter expo sure o f HL-60 cells to SCCS
fo r 48 h, the apopto tic cells increased f rom 11. 7%
to 59. 4% ( Fig 3, Tab 1) .
The changes in cell cy cle dist ribution o f the
cells t reated wi th SCCS appeared tha t cells in G2 /
M pha ses increa sed in a do se-dependent manner,
and cel ls in G1 and S phases decreased g radually.
2. 5  Expression of bcl -2 pro tein: SCCS decreased
the expression of bcl -2 pro tein in SGC-7901 cells
w hich had a higher expression o f oncogene pro tein
( Fig 4) . Along w ith the increase of SC dose, the
percentag e o f positiv e cells changed from 78. 3% to
32. 9% ( Tab 2) .
3  Discussion
It w as known for a long time tha t S. chamae
jasme ( SC) w as used as an anti tumo r herb
·1099·中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2001年第 32卷第 12期
A-cont rol; B-cells treated w ith 10% SCC S of mice preadminist rated wi th 3 g /kg SC; C-w ith SC 12 g /k g
Fig 3.  DNA contents, determined by f low cytometry, of HL-60 cells treated with SCCS of mouse for 48 h
A-cont rol; B- cell s t reated wi th 10% SCCS of mice
pret reated w ith SC 12 g /k g for 48 h
Fig 4. Bcl-2 protein expression of HL-60 cells treated
with SCCS of mouse× 400. The protein was
detected by immunohistochemistry
Tab 2. Expression of bcl-2 protein in SGC-7901 cells
treated with SCCS of mouse for 48 h. n= 4 sam-
ples ( 2 000 cells were measured in each sample) .
x± s. * P < 0. 05, * * P < 0. 01 vs control.
SC ( g /kg ) Posi tive cel ls (% ) 
0 78. 30± 5. 5
3 60. 24± 7. 3*
6 44. 30± 3. 1* *
12 32. 94± 3. 6* *
medicine in China. In clinic, the wa ter ex t ract of
SC exhibited a marked antitumor activ ity against
many leukemia and solid carcinoma[1 ] . How ever,
i ts anti tumo r mechanism has no t been fully eluci-
da ted. In recent yea rs, w e have studied the anti tu-
mo r effects of SC on the grow th of t ransplantable
mouse tumors in vivo and the pro li feration, clone
fo rmation and the inco rpora tion of [
H ] de-
oxy thymidine into DN A of tumor cel ls in vit ro , es-
pecially by the methods o f serum-pharmacolog y. It
w as found that the ex t ract o f SC inhibi ted the
g row th o f t ransplantable mouse tumors, sarcoma
180, hepatic ca rcinoma HePS and lung sarcoma
[2, 3 ] , and the SCCS o f mouse exhibi ted in-
hibi to ry effects on prolifera tion, clone forma tion
and inco rpo ration of [
H ] deoxy thymidine into
DN A of mouse leukemia L1210 cells
[4 ] , w hich sug-
gested tha t the inhibitory activi ty w as direct ly a-
gainst the g row th o f tumor cells as one of it s main
antitumor mechanisms. Our ano ther experiment
show ed that the po lysaccharide ex tracted f rom SC
had a remarkable improving effect on immune
function inhibi ted by CTX in mice[5 ] . Af ter treat-
ment wi th this poly saccha ride, the thymus of
mice, dela yed hypresensi tiv ity and the proli feration
of mouse splenic lymphocytes activ ated wi th Con A
of mice t rea ted w ith CTX was increased markedly
in a do se-dependent manner, and the peri toneal
macrophage phagocy to sis in mice w as also im-
proved, the w eights of mice spleens, specific anti-
body fo rmation of splenocytes, serum agg lutinin
ti ter, hemolysin HC50 in mice immunized w ith SR-
BC were all increased signi ficant ly. SC poly saccha-
ride a lso inhibi ted the lung metastasis of Lew is
lung carcinoma in mice rema rkably
[6 ] . The present
study revealed tha t S. chamaejasme could induce
apoptosis of HL-60 cells and decrease the expres-
sion o f bcl -2 pro tein in SGC-7901 cells.
Lotem and Sachs
[7 ]
demonstrated that apopto-
sis is an active cell dea th process regula ted by en-
dogenous specific enzymes and genes. Inhibi ted
apoptosis is one of the important characteristics of
tumor cells. It is also the molecular basis of the oc-
currence, development of cancer, and may be re-
lated to the drug-resistance o f tumo r cells
[8 ] . It has
been repo rted that bcl-2 over-expression could re-
markably suppress cell apopto sis induced by L-g lu-
tamate, f ree radicals and g luta thione deple-
[9, 10 ]
. So it can be concluded that inducing
apoptosis and decreasing apoptosis ov er-expression
in tumor cells may be another impo rtant anti tumo r
·1100· 中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2001年第 32卷第 12期
mechanisms of SC.
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nary [M ]. Shanghai: Shanghai People Publi sh ers. 1977.
[2 ]  Fan J J, Jia Z P, Xie J W , et al. Ef fects of Chin ese Stel lera
(Stellera ch amaejasme L. ) on grow th of transplan ted mouse
tumors [ J]. J Lanzhou Med Col l, 1994, 20( 4): 228-230.
[3 ]  Fan J J, Jia Z P, Xie JW , et al . Anti tumor activi ty of Chines e
Stellera ( Stellera chamaejasme L. ) [ J ] . J Pharmaceut ical
Practice, 1996, 14( 1): 9-12.
[4 ]  Jia Z P, Wang Y G, Fan J J, et al . Ef fect of s erum Ruixiang
Lang du (S tel lera chamaejasme) ext ract on prolif erat ion, clon-
al formation and DN A synth esi s of mouse L1210 l euk emic cel ls
[ J ]. Ch inese Tradi tional Herbal Drugs , 2001, 32 ( 9): 807-
[5 ]  Fan J J, Jia Z P, Xie J W , et al . Ef fects of polysaccharide in
Ruixiang Langdu ( Stellera chamaejasme L. ) on imm une func-
   tion in mice treated wi th cyclophosphamide [ J ]. Med J Na-
tional Defending Forces Northw es t China, 2000, 21( 4): 263-
[6 ]  Fan J J, Jia Z P, Xie J W , et al . Ef fect of polysaccharide in
Ruixiang Langdu ( Stellera chamaejasme L. ) on pu lmonary
metas tas es of Lewis lung carcinoma and prolif erat ion of
splenocytes in mice [ J ] . J Chinese Med M aterial s, 2000, 23
( Suppl): 106-107.
[ 7]  Lotem J, Sach s L. Regulation of bcl-XL and bax in the con-
t rol of apoptosi s by hematopoietic cy tokin es and dexametha-
sone [ J] . Cell Grow th Dif fer, 1995, 6: 647-653.
[ 8 ]  Nagata S. Apoptosis by death factor [ J ] . Cell, 1997, 88:
[ 9 ]  Gajew ski T F, Th ompson C B. Apoptosi s meets sig nal t rans-
duction: elimination of a bad inf lu ence [ J ] . Cell , 1996, 87:
[ 10]  Hockenberg D M. B cl-2 in cancer dev elopmen t and apop tosis
[ J ]. J Cell Sci, 1994, 18 ( Suppl ): 51-55.
应用 M-H琼脂进行五倍子等 5种中药
对 28株肠球菌的体外抗菌活性观察
李仲兴 ,王秀华 ,张立志 ,岳云升 ,赵宝珍 ,陈晶波 ,李继红
(河北医科大学第二医院 ,河北 石家庄  050000)
摘 要: 目的 对五倍子、儿茶、乌梅、黄连和黄芩的体外抗菌效果进行比较。 方法 用新的中药抗菌实验方法 ,进
行五倍子等 5种中药对 28株肠球菌的体外抗菌活性检测。 结果与结论  5种中药对肠球菌的抑菌作用均较好 ,其
中以五倍子和儿茶的抑菌效果最好 ,其 M IC90均为 1∶ 640,而黄连、乌梅和黄芩的抑菌效果也较好 ,其 M IC90分别为
1∶ 320, 1∶ 320和 1∶ 160。
关键词: 五倍子 ;儿茶 ;黄连 ;乌梅 ;黄芩 ;肠球菌 ;抗菌活性
中图分类号: R285. 51; R286. 8   文献标识码: A   文章编号: 0253 2670( 2001) 12 1101 03
Evaluation of in vitro antibacterial activities ofMelaphis chinens is etc. 5
TCMs against 28 strains of enterococci with M-H agar medium
   LI Zhong-xing , WANG Xiu-hua, ZHANG Li-zhi; YU E Yun-sheng , ZHAO Bao-zhen, CHEN Jing-
bo, LI Ji-hong
   ( Second Hospital Affiliated to Hebei Univ er sity o f Medical Sciences, Shijia zhuang Hebei 050000, China)
Abstract: Object  To compa re the in vit ro antibacterial activities o f 5 TCMs including Melaphis chi-
nensis ( Bell) Bake, Acacia catachu ( L. ) Mi lld, Armeniaca mume Sieb, Coptis chinensis Franch and Scutel-
laria baicalensis Georgi. . Methods  Activi ties of the 5 drug s against 28 st rains o f Enterococci were deter-
mined by the new antibacterial test fo r TCM. Results and Conclusion  All 5 TCM s show ed antibacterial
activi ties against Enterococci , wi th M. chinensis and A. catachu being the most po tent. Both had the M IC90
o f 1∶ 640. A . mume, C. chinensis and S. baicalensis followed nex t wi th their M IC90 of 1∶ 320, 1∶ 320 and
1∶ 160 respectiv ely.
Key words: Melaphis chinensis ( Bell ) Bake; Acacia catachu ( L) Mi lld; Armeniaca mume Sieb; Coptis
chinensis Franch; Scutellaria baicalensis Geo rgi; Enterococci; antibacterial activi ty
·1101·中草药  Chinese Traditiona l and He rbal Drug s  2001年第 32卷第 12期
收稿日期: 2001-02-10基金项目:国家中医药管理局重点课题资助项目 (编号: 97Z009)作者简介:李仲兴 ( 1938-) ,男 ,河北玉田人 ,教授 , 1958年毕业于张家口医专检验专业 ,现工作在河北医科大学第二医院 ,一直从事临床微生物检验工作。研究方向为“机会致病菌生理、生化特性研究 ;机会致病菌对抗生素、中草药敏感及耐药谱型研究”。在国内外发表论文 80余篇 ,著有《临床细菌学》及《诊断细菌学》等著作 ,获省部级科技进步奖 8项。
* 河北省人民医院

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