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全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 43(6): 567–570(2005) doi:10.1360/aps030102
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
2003-12-08收稿, 2004-10-08收修改稿。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(30270103); 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KSCX2-SW-108)(Supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30270103) and the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Grant No. KSCX2-SW-108))。
1林 祁 2段林东 3姚炳矾
1(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学重点实验室 北京 100093)
2(邵阳学院 湖南邵阳 422004)
3(荔波县林业局 贵州荔波 558400)
Notes on three species of the genus Kadsura
Juss. (Schisandraceae)
1LIN Qi 2DUAN Lin-Dong 3YAO Bing-Fan
1(Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China)
2(Shaoyang College, Shaoyang, Hunan 422004, China)
3(Libo Forestry Bureau, Libo, Guizhou 558400, China)
Abstract Kadsura coccinea (Lem.) A. C. Smith is reported as new record to Indonesia, K.
induta A. C. Smith as new record to Guizhou of China and K.oblongifolia Merrill as new
record to Vietnam, and Fujian and Taiwan of China. The description on carpels and fruit of K.
induta is amended. As the holotype of K. hainanensis Merrill and that of K. oblongifolia have
been found to be well preserved at PNH, their lectotypes should be superseded.
Key words Kadsura Juss., Kadsura coccinea (Lem.) A. C. Smith, Kadsura induta A. C.
Smith, Kadsura oblongifolia Merrill, new record.
摘要 报道南五味子属Kadsura的黑老虎K. coccinea (Lem.) A. C. Smith在印度尼西亚的分布新记录,毛
南五味子K. induta A. C. Smith在中国贵州的分布新记录,冷饭藤K. oblongifolia Merrill在中国福建和台湾
hainanensis Merrill和冷饭藤所作的后选模式。
关键词 南五味子属; 黑老虎; 毛南五味子; 冷饭藤; 新记录

我们对五味子科Schisandraceae的南五味子属Kadsura Juss.进行研究时,发现3种植物
1 黑老虎 图1: A, B
Kadsura coccinea (Lem.) A. C. Smith in Sargentia 7: 166. 1947.——Cosbaea coccinea
Lem., Illustr. Hort. 2: 71. 1855. Type: Lemaire’s illustration (Illustr. Hort. 2: 71. 1855.).
Kadsura hainanensis Merrill in Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 23: 240. 1923. Type: China. Hainan:
Yan Fa (Fan Ya), F. A. McClure 2989 (=SYS Herb. No. 9542) (holotype, PNH!; isotypes, A!,
BM!, E!, G!, GH!, HK, IBSC!, K!, LU, SYS! UC!, US!).
Indonesia. G. Bentuang area, 5-10 km north of Masa village, 150 km NE of Pontianak,
W. Kalimantan Province, SW ridge area, alt. 700 m, climber 25 m tall, flower yellow, J. S.
Burley, Tukirin et al. 3218 (K). New record.
植 物 分 类 学 报 43卷 568

图1 海南黑老虎主模式标本照片 A. 主模式标本和记录签。B. 主模式标本(记录签已卷叠)。
Fig. 1. Photograph of the holotype of Kadsura hainanensis Merrill. A, Holotype with the field record. B, Holotype with
the field record folded.

分布于中国、越南、老挝、泰国和缅甸,生于海拔200–2000 m的山地林中;印度尼西亚首
Saunders(1998)没查阅到海南黑老虎Kadsura hainanensis Merrill的主模式标本,而认
2 毛南五味子
Kadsura induta A. C. Smith in Sargentia 7: 173. 1947. Type: China. Yunnan (云南):
Pingbian (屏边), H. T. Tsai 60946 (holotype, A!; isotypes, IBSC!, KUN!, PE!, SYS!, SZ!).
China. Guizhou (贵州): Libo (荔波), limestone hills (石灰岩山地), alt. 550 m,
2003-07-13, L. D. Duan & Q. Lin (段林东 ,林祁 ) 2002115 (PE); the same locality,
2003-10-26, Q. Lin (林祁) 1008 (BM, E, K, L, P, PE). New record.
中国特有,分布于广西西南部和云南东南部,生于海拔550–1500 m的石灰岩山地林中;
毛南五味子Kadsura induta A. C. Smith发表时(Smith, 1947)只有雄花标本,没有对雌
6期 林 祁等: 南五味子属(五味子科)三种植物之补记 569
小浆果呈多面体形,每枚小浆果的表面均密被短绒毛,明显不同于前人(刘玉壶, 1996;
Saunders, 1998, 2001)对毛南五味子的描述。我们又检查2003年夏季所采的花标本,发现所
心皮密被短绒毛。聚合果近球形,直径4.5–15 cm。小浆果多面体形,成熟后红色,密被
短绒毛;果梗长8–18 cm,密被短绒毛。
Added description of carpels and fruit: Carpels, small berries and fruit stalk densely and
shortly tomentose. Aggregate fruit subglobose, 4.5–15 cm in diameter. Berry polygonal, red
when mature; fruit stalk 8–18 cm long.
3 冷饭藤 图2: A, B
Kadsura oblongifolia Merrill in Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 23: 241. 1923. Type: China. Hainan
(海南): Na-ta (Nodoa)/Danxian, F. A. McClure 1668 (=SYS Herb. No. 8011) (holotype,
PNH!; isotypes, MO!, SYS!, UC!).

图2 冷饭藤主模式标本照片 A. 主模式标本和记录签。B. 主模式标本(记录签已卷叠)。
Fig. 2. Photograph of the holotype of Kadsura oblongifolia Merrill. A, Holotype with the field record. B, Holotype with
the field record folded.
植 物 分 类 学 报 43卷 570
China. Fujian (福建): Guangze (光泽), M. K. Wang (王名金) 2619 (PE); Nanjing (南
靖), AU Exped.(厦大队) 622 (PE); Xianyou (仙游), P. C. Tsoong (钟补勤) s.n. (PE); Dehua
(德化), P. C. Tsoong (钟补勤) 371 (PE). New record. Taiwan (台湾): Without precise locality,
TAIF Herb. No. 10046 (TAIF); Taichung (台中), TAIF Herb. No. 10044 (TAIF), SHM Herb.
No. 18358 (SHM). New record.
Vietnam. Tonkin: Sontay, B. Balansa 4148 (K). New record.
分布于中国广东、海南和广西,生于海拔250–1500 m的山地林中;中国福建和台湾以及
致谢 感谢下列植物标本馆给予借阅或查阅标本: A, BM, E, G, GH, IBSC, K, KUN, MO,
参 考 文 献
Law Y W (刘玉壶). 1996. Kadsura Juss. In: Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (中国植物志). Beijing:
Science Press. 30 (1): 232–243, 271–272.
Smith A C. 1947. The families Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae. Sargentia 7: 1–224.
Saunders R M K. 1998. Monograph of Kadsura (Schisandraceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 54: 1–106.
Saunders R M K. 2001. Schisandraceae. In: Species Plantarum Flora of the World, Part 4. Canberra: Australian
Biological Resources Study. 1–62.