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Five new species of Ranunculaceae from China


全 文 :  Guihaia  Jun. 2016ꎬ 36 (增刊 1): 88-94
http: / / journal.gxzw.gxib.cn
http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com
【原文刊载】 “毛茛科五新种” 已于 “中国知网 (CNKI)” 单篇优先数字出版ꎬ «广西植物»待刊ꎮ
( 中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093 )
摘  要: 描述了毛茛科五新种:(1) 托里乌头ꎬ与阿尔泰乌头近缘ꎬ区别为其茎和叶无毛ꎬ总状花序极密集ꎬ雄
蕊花丝多有 1或 2小齿ꎮ (2) 门源翠雀花ꎬ与大通翠雀花近缘ꎬ区别为其茎极短ꎬ花序总状ꎬ退化雄蕊瓣片不
分裂ꎮ (3) 云台山铁线莲ꎬ与裂叶铁线莲近缘ꎬ区别为其叶为二回羽状复叶ꎬ花较小ꎬ雄蕊花丝呈黑色ꎬ无脉ꎮ
(4) 黑丝铁线莲ꎬ与前种云台铁线莲在亲缘关系上极为相近ꎬ区别为其小叶较小ꎬ多呈狭卵形或披针形ꎬ聚伞
花序也较小ꎬ通常只具 3花ꎮ (5) 五台山毛茛ꎬ与砾地毛茛相似ꎬ区别为其基生叶被柔毛ꎬ花瓣蜜槽具鳞片ꎬ心
关键词: 毛茛科ꎬ 乌头属ꎬ 翠雀花属ꎬ 铁线莲属ꎬ 毛茛属ꎬ 新种ꎬ 中国
中图分类号: Q949     文献标识码: A    文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2016)增刊 1 ̄0088 ̄07
Five new species of Ranunculaceae from China
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
( State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China )
Abstract: Five species belonging to four generaꎬ Aconitumꎬ Delphiniumꎬ Clematis and Ranunculus respectively (Ranun ̄
culaceae) are described as new from China: (1) Aconitum tuolienseꎬ being described from Xingjiang Uygur Autonomous
Region and related to A. smirnovii Steinb.ꎬ and differing in its glabrous stem and leavesꎬ very dense racemeꎬ and mostly
1 ̄2 ̄denticulate filaments of stamens. (2) Delphinium menyuanenseꎬ being described from Qinghai Province and related
to D. pylzowii Maxim.ꎬ and differing in its very short stemꎬ racemose inflorescenceꎬ and undivided limbs of staminodia.
(3) Clematis yuntaishanicaꎬ being described from Henan Provinceꎬ and related to C. parviloba Garden. & Champ.ꎬ and
differing in its bipinnate leavesꎬ smaller flowersꎬ and blackꎬ nerveless filaments of stamens. (4) Clematis melanonemaꎬ
being described also from Henan Province and closely related to the above new speciesꎬ C. yuntaishanicaꎬ and differing
in its smallerꎬ narrowly ovate or lanceolate leafletsꎬ and smallerꎬ usually 3 ̄flowered cymes. (5) Ranunculus wutaishani ̄
cusꎬ being described from Shanxi Province and similar to R. glareosus Hand. ̄Mazz.ꎬ and differing in its pubescent basal
leavesꎬ nectary pit of petal with a scaleꎬ and carpel with a short and thick style and a minute stigma.
Key words: Ranunculaceaeꎬ Aconitumꎬ Delphiniumꎬ Clematisꎬ Ranunculusꎬ new speciesꎬ China
    托里乌头  图 1: A-E
Aconitum tuoliense W. T. Wangꎬsp. nov. Fig.1:
A-E. ( subgen. Aconitum sect. Aconitum ser. Ambigua
收稿日期: 2015 ̄12 ̄09    修回日期:2016 ̄05 ̄06
作者简介:王文采(1926 ̄)ꎬ男ꎬ研究员ꎬ中国科学院院士ꎬ著名植物分类学家ꎬ长期从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ
图 1  A-E. 托里乌头  A.下部茎生叶的叶片ꎻ B. 花瓣ꎻ C.总状花序ꎻ D. 雄蕊ꎻ E. 雌蕊群ꎮ F-K. 门源翠雀花  F. 开花茎ꎻ G. 退化雄
蕊ꎻ H. 雄蕊ꎻ I. 雌蕊群ꎻ J. 蓇葖ꎻ K. 种子ꎮ
Fig. 1  A-E. Aconitum tuoliense  A. Blade of lower cauline leafꎻ B. Petalꎻ C. Racemeꎻ D. Stamensꎻ E. Gynoecium. (from holotype)  F-K.
Delphinium menyuanense  F. Flowering stemꎻ G. Staminodeꎻ H. Stamenꎻ I. Gynoeciumꎻ J. Follicleꎻ K. Seed. (from holotype)
Species nova haec est affinis A. smirnovii Steinb.ꎬa
quo caule et foliis glabrisꎬracemo ob pedicellos brevior ̄
es plerumque 0. 5 - 1 cm longos floribus densissimis
98增刊 1                                王文采: 毛茛科五新种
praeditoꎬstaminum filamentis plerumque 1 ̄2 ̄denticulatis
differt. In A. smirnoviiꎬ caules superne sparse pubes ̄
centesꎬfolia supra ad nervos appresso ̄pubescentiaꎬflores
in racemo haud densissimiꎬpedicelli 0.7-2 cm longiꎬet
staminum filamenta omnia integra sunt.
Herb. Roots unknown. Stem ca. 50 cm tallꎬnear
base ca. 6 mm in diam.ꎬglabrousꎬsimpleꎬca. 5 ̄leaved.
Lower cauline leaves longꎬupper cauline leaves shortly
petiolateꎬ glabrousꎻ blades paperyꎬ pentagonal in out ̄
lineꎬ5-8.5 × 10 cmꎬat base subtruncateꎬ3 ̄sectꎬcentral
segment rhombicꎬ2.5-4 cm broadꎬ3 ̄fidꎬsecondary lobes
with 3 or 2 lanceolate ̄linear or linear lobulesꎬ lateral
segments obliquely flabellateꎬ unequally 2 ̄partedꎬ sec ̄
ondary lobes one or two times dissectedꎻ petioles 4-12.5
cm long. Raceme terminalꎬca. 15 cm longꎬvery densely
15 ̄floweredꎻ bracts subsessileꎬ basal bract foliaceousꎬ
with narrowly linear lobesꎬother bracts smallerꎬ3 ̄sect or
undividedꎬlinearꎬciliolateꎻ rachis with pedicels puberu ̄
lousꎻ pedicels mostly 5 ̄10 mm longꎬonly the lowermost
pedicel 14 mm longꎬnear apex 2 ̄bracteolateꎻ bracteoles
linearꎬ4-5 × 0.5 mmꎬdensely ciliolate. Flower: Sepals
5ꎬdeeply blueꎬ abaxially puberulousꎻ upper sepal ob ̄
liquely navicular ̄galeateꎬca. 2 cm highꎬfrom base to a ̄
pex of rostrum 1.8-2.2 cm longꎬabove the middle broa ̄
destꎬat frontal side rostrate (rostrum ca. 2.5 mm long)ꎬ
adaxially glabrousꎻ lateral sepals orbicular ̄obovateꎬ1.4-
1.6 × 1-1.2 cmꎬadaxially above sparsely pubescentꎻ
lower sepals obliquely ellipticꎬ1.2-1.4 × 0.4-0.5 cmꎬ
adaxially sparsely pubescent. Petals 2ꎬglabrousꎻ claws
ca. 1.9 cm longꎻ spurs incurvedꎬca. 3 mm longꎻ lips 4
mm longꎬat apex slightly dilated and emarginate. Sta ̄
mens ca. 28ꎬglabrousꎻ filaments below broadly linear or
linearꎬabove filiformꎬmostly near the middle 1 ̄2 ̄dentic ̄
ulateꎬa few of them with entire marginsꎻanthers with
upper parts of filaments dark ̄blueꎬsubquadrateꎬ1-1.2 ×
0.8 - 1 mm. Carpels 3ꎻ ovaries dark ̄blueꎬ ca. 5 mm
longꎬabaxially sparsely pubescentꎻ styles subulateꎬ1 -
1.2 mm longꎬglabrous.
新疆(Xinjiang): 托里县ꎬ库普乡ꎬ塔斯提林场
(Tuoli XianꎬKupu XiangꎬTasiti tree farm)ꎬalt. 1 810
mꎬ石砾草坡(on gravelly grassy slope)ꎬ2014 ̄08 ̄16ꎬ
陈又生ꎬ袁慊(Y. S. Chen & Q.Yuan) 141579 (holo ̄
本种在亲缘关系上与阿尔泰乌头 (Aconitum
smirnovii Steinb.)相接近ꎬ与后者的区别在于本种的
茎和叶无毛ꎬ花梗较短ꎬ长 0.5~1 cmꎬ因此总状花序的
花极为密集ꎬ雄蕊花丝多具 1或 2小齿ꎮ 在阿尔泰乌
(0.7~2 cm)ꎬ总状花序的花不极密集ꎬ雄蕊所有花丝
的边缘均全缘ꎬ无小齿(Li & Kadotaꎬ2001)ꎮ
门源翠雀花  图 1: F-K
Delphinium menyuyanense W.T.Wangꎬ sp. nov.
Fig. 1: F-K. (sect. Elatopsis Huth)
Species nova haec est affinis D. pylzowii Maxim.ꎬa
quo caule multo breviore 5 cm longoꎬinflorescentia race ̄
mosaꎬstaminodiorum limbis indivisisꎬcarpellis 4 gynoe ̄
cium formantibus facile differt. In D. pylzowiiꎬ caules
20-55 cm altiꎬ inflorescentiae corymbosaeꎬ staminodi ̄
orum limbi 2 ̄lobatiꎬet carpella 5 vel 3 gynoecium for ̄
mantia sunt.
Perennial herb. Stem ca. 5 cm longꎬ2 mm in di ̄
am.ꎬ retrorsely puberulousꎬ ca. 2 ̄leaved. Basal leaves
unknown. Cauline leaves alternateꎬ long petiolateꎻ
blades paperyꎬcordate ̄pentagonalꎬca. 1.5 × 2.5 cmꎬad ̄
axially and abaxially sparsely pubescentꎬglabrescentꎬ3-
sectꎬcentral segmaent broadly rhombicꎬca. 1 cm broadꎬ
3-partedꎬwith lobes lanceolate ̄linear and entireꎬlateral
segments obliquely broad ̄rhombicꎬunequally 2 ̄partedꎬ
with upper secondary lobe smallerꎬbroadly linear and 1 ̄
lobulateꎬand lower secondary lobe larger and unequally
2 ̄parted once againꎬand with 1 ̄lobulate tertiary lobesꎻ
petioles 3-4 cm longꎬsubglabrous. Raceme terminalꎬca.
15 cm longꎬ10 cm broadꎬ3 ̄floweredꎻ lowest bract leaf ̄
likeꎻ rachis with pedicels retrorsely puberulous (hairs
0.2-0.4 mm long) and subspreading ̄pubescent (hairs
0.5-0.8 mm long)ꎻ pedicels 6.6-11 cm longꎬbelow or
above the middle 2 ̄bracteolateꎻ bracteoles lanceolate ̄
linear or linearꎬ0.6-1.8 × 0.1-0.2 cmꎬsparsely puberu ̄
lous or ciliate. Sepals 5ꎬdark ̄blueꎬadaxially glabrousꎻ
upper sepal broadly ovateꎬca. 1.9 × 1.3 cmꎬat apex ob ̄
tuseꎬabaxially appressed ̄pubescentꎬ spur subulateꎬ2 -
2.2 cm longꎬat base ca. 3 mm in diam.ꎬsparsely pubes ̄
centꎻ lateral sepals obovateꎬca. 1.9 × 1.2 cmꎬabaxially
along midrib pubescentꎻ lower sepals obliquely long el ̄
lipticꎬ2-2.2 × 0.7-1 cmꎬabaxially along midrib pubes ̄
cent. Petals 2ꎬglabrousꎬapex obtuse.Staminodes 2ꎻlimbs
09 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
图 2  A-E. 云台山铁线莲  A.叶和腋生聚伞花序ꎻ B. 萼片ꎬ内面观ꎻ C. 雄蕊ꎻ D. 心皮ꎻ E.瘦果ꎮ F-I. 黑丝铁线莲  F. 叶和腋生
聚伞花序ꎻ G. 萼片ꎬ内面观ꎻ H. 雄蕊ꎻ I. 心皮ꎮ
Fig. 2  A-E. Clematis yuntaishanica  A. Leaf and axillary cymeꎻ B. Sepal (adaxial view)ꎻ C. Stamenꎻ D. Carpelꎻ E. Achene. ( from holo ̄
type)  F-I. Clematis melanonema  F. Lenaf and axillary cymeꎻ G. Sepal (adaxial view)ꎻ H. Stamensꎻ I. Carpel. (from holotype)
brownishꎬsuborbicularꎬca. 7 × 7-8 mmꎬmargin slight ̄
ly erose and sparsely ciliateꎬ adaxially above base
densely yellow ̄barbateꎬlongitudinnally ca. 10 ̄nervedꎻ
claws ca. 7 mm longꎬpuberulous. Stamens ca. 22ꎬgla ̄
19增刊 1                                王文采: 毛茛科五新种
brousꎻ filaments lanceolate ̄oblongꎬ linearꎬ above fili ̄
formꎬca. 7 mm longꎬ1 ̄nervedꎻ anthers dark ̄blueꎬca.
1.2 mm long. Carpels 4ꎻ ovaries narrowly oblongꎬ6-7
mm longꎬdensely puberulousꎻ styles 2 mm longꎬgla ̄
brousꎻ stigmas smallꎬ depressed ̄globose. Follicle ob ̄
longꎬca. 12 × 3.5 mmꎬpuberulous. Seeds blackꎬlong
ellipsoidꎬca. 1.8 mm longꎬglabrousꎬwith a peripheral
narrow wing 0.4-0.8 mm broad.
青海(Qinghai): 门源县ꎬ近仙来寺 (Menyuan
Xianꎬnear Xianlai Temple). alt. circ. 2 600 mꎬ1958 ̄
07 ̄30ꎬ中国科学院植物研究所青海队 ( Qinghai
Exped. Inst. Bot. CAS) 634 (holotypeꎬPE)ꎮ
本种与大通翠雀花 (Delphinium pylzowii Max ̄
im.)近缘ꎬ与后者的区别在于本种的茎很短ꎬ长约 5
cmꎬ花序总状ꎬ退化雄蕊的瓣片不分裂ꎬ雌蕊群由 4
枚心皮形成ꎮ 在大通翠雀花ꎬ茎高 20 ~ 55 cmꎬ花序
伞房状ꎬ退化雄蕊的瓣片 2裂ꎬ雌蕊群由 5枚或 3 枚
心皮形成(Wang & Warnockꎬ2001)ꎮ
云台山铁线莲  图 2: A-E
Clematis yuntaishanica W.T.Wangꎬsp. nov. Fig.
2: A-E. (sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis)
Species nova haec est affinis C. parvilobae Gardn.
& Champ.ꎬ a qua foliis bipinnatisꎬ foliolis interdum
pauce denticulatisꎬflore minore ca. 1. 8 cm in diam.ꎬ
sepalis ca. 0.9 cm longisꎬstaminum filamentis in sicci ̄
tate nigris subfiliformibus vel anguste linearibus nervis
carentibus statim distat. In C. parvilobaꎬfolia biternata
vel pinnataꎬfoliola margine vulgo integraꎬflos major 3 ̄4
cm in diam.ꎬsepala 1.6-2 cm longaꎬet staminum fila ̄
menta in siccitate haud nigra linearia longitudinaliter 1 ̄
nervia sunt.
Woody vineꎬmore or less turning black when dr ̄
ying. Stems ca. 2 mm in diam.ꎬappressed ̄ puberulousꎬ
longitudinally 4 - 6 ̄angulate. Leaves oppositeꎬ bipin ̄
nateꎬ12-24 cm longꎻ pinnae 3 pairsꎬoppositeꎬslender ̄
ly stipitateꎻ lower pinnae ( 2 - ) 3 ̄foliolateꎬ leaflets
shortly petiolulateꎬ central leaflet rhombic or ovateꎬ
3.2-5.4 × 1. 5 - 2. 2 cmꎬ at apex attenuateꎬ at base
broadly cuneate or roundedꎬat each side of margin 1-
3 ̄denticulateꎬ adaxially sparsely puberulousꎬ abaxially
on nerves sparsely puberulousꎬlateral leaflets smallerꎬ
obliquely ovateꎬ1.5-2.5 cm longꎬon margin few ̄den ̄
tibulate or entireꎬ each central pinna with 2 broadly
ovate leaflets unequal in sizeꎬthe larger one 1 ̄3 ̄dentic ̄
ulate and unequally 2 ̄lobedꎬ and the smaller one 1 ̄
denticulate or entireꎬeach upper pinna with 1 ovate en ̄
tire leafletꎬ the terminal leaflet of leaf narrowly ovate
and entireꎻ petioles 4. 4 - 5 cm longꎬ with peduncles
sparsely puberulous. Cymes axillaryꎬ3-15 cm broadꎬ1
to 3 times branchedꎬ3-18 ̄floweredꎻ peduncles 2.8-6
cm longꎻ bracts 2ꎬ oppositeꎬ shortly petiolateꎬ rarely
sessileꎬovateꎬelliptic or linearꎬ0.2 - 3.5 cm longꎬen ̄
tireꎬrearely 1 ̄lobulateꎻ pedicels 0.6-2.8 cm longꎻ gla ̄
brous. Flower ca. 1. 8 cm in diam.: Sepals 4ꎬwhiteꎬ
spreadingꎬlong ellipticꎬca. 9 × 3 mmꎬat apex truncate ̄
emarginateꎬ adaxially glabrousꎬ abaxially sparsely ap ̄
pressed ̄puberulousꎬ on margin white ̄velutinous. Sta ̄
mens 30-70ꎬglabrousꎻ filaments black when dryingꎬ
subfiliform or narrowly linearꎬ4.5-6 mm longꎬwithout
nerveꎻ anthers yellowishꎬ broadly oblongꎬ1 - 1. 2 mm
long. Carpels 12 - 15ꎻ ovaries black when dryingꎬca.
0􀆰 4 longꎬ densely pubescentꎻ styles ca. 4 mm longꎬ
densely long white ̄villosꎬat apex slightly thickened and
glabrous. Achenes deep ̄brownꎬcompressedꎬsuborbicu ̄
larꎬca. 2 mm in diam.ꎬwith yellowish marginsꎬpuberu ̄
lousꎻ persistent styles plumoseꎬca. 12 mm longꎬwith
denseꎬspreadingꎬlong hairsꎬnear apex glabrous.
河南(Henan): 修武县ꎬ云台山ꎬ万善寺 (Xi ̄
uwu XianꎬYuntai ShanꎬWanshan Temple)ꎬ路边草丛
(among grasses by road)ꎬ2009 ̄08 ̄17ꎬ云台山采集队
(Yuntaishan Exped.) 1074 (fl.ꎬholotype and isotypeꎬ
PE)ꎻ 同地 ( same locality)ꎬ山坡林下 ( in forest on
slope)ꎬ2008 ̄09 ̄21ꎬ云台山采集队 0037 ( fr.ꎬ para ̄
本种与裂叶铁线莲 Clematis parviloba Gardn. &
为 1.8 cmꎬ萼片长约 0.9 cmꎬ雄蕊花丝干燥时呈黑
色ꎬ近丝形或狭条形ꎬ无脉ꎮ 在裂叶铁线莲ꎬ叶为二
燥时不呈黑色ꎬ条形ꎬ具一条纵脉ꎮ (Wangꎬ2003)
黑丝铁线莲  图 2: F-I
Clematis melanonema W. T. Wangꎬ sp. nov.
Fig. 2: F-I. (sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis)
Ob folia bipinnataꎬ flores parvosꎬ staminum fila ̄
menta in siccitate nigra saepe subfiliformia nervis ca ̄
29 广  西  植  物                                      36卷
rentia species nova haec est arcte affinis apeciei novae
insuper simul descriptaeꎬ C. yuntaishanicae W. T.
Wangꎬa qua foliolis minoribus vulgo anguste ovatis vel
lanceolatis 0.8-3.6 cm longis 0.4-1 cm latis vulgo in ̄
tegris raro pauce denticulatisꎬ cymis minoribus vulgo
semel raro bis ramosis 1.5-4 om latis 3( ̄4) ̄floris fac ̄
ile distinguitur. In C. yuntaishanicaꎬfoliola majora vul ̄
go ovaraꎬlate ovata vel rhombica useque ad 5.4 cm lon ̄
ga 2.2 cm lata margine vel pauce denticulata vel integ ̄
raꎬcymae vulgo bis vel ter raro semel ramosae vulgo
10-15 cm latae et 10 ̄18 ̄florae sunt.
Small woody vines. Stems ca. 1.2 mm in diam.ꎬ
sparsely appressed ̄puberulousꎬlongitudinally 4 ̄sulcate.
Leaves oppositeꎬbippinateꎬ8-12.5 cm longꎻ pinnae 2-
3 pairsꎬoppositeꎬslenderly stipitateꎻ lower pinnae 2-3 ̄
foliolateꎬleaflets and terminal leaflet of leaf narrowly
ovateꎬ lanceolate or ovateꎬ undividedꎬ those of central
pinnae obliquely broadly ovate and unequally 3 ̄lobedꎬ
0.8-3. 6 × 0. 4 - 1 ( - 1. 6) cmꎬat apex attenuateꎬat
base rounded or broadly cuneateꎬat margin entire or 1-
2 ̄denticulateꎬ on both surfaces sparsely puberulousꎻ
petioles 3.5-5 cm longꎬwith a few short hairs. Cymes
axillaryꎬ1.5-4 cm broadꎬ1ꎬrarely 2 times branchedꎬ3
(-4) ̄flowerdꎬnear bracts with 2 small flower budsꎻ
peduncle 1. 6 - 4. 4 cm longꎬ subglabrousꎻ bracts ses ̄
sileꎬnarrowly lanceolateꎬ ca. 1. 5 mm longꎻ pedicels
0.8-2.4 cm longꎬglabrous. Flower ca. 2 cm in diam.:
Sepals 4ꎬwhiteꎬlong ellipticꎬca. 10 × 3.2 mmꎬat apex
slightly acuteꎬadaxially glabrousꎬabaxially sparsely ap ̄
pressed ̄puberulousꎬ on margin white ̄velutinous. Sta ̄
mens 35-40ꎬglabrousꎻ filaments blackꎬnarrowly line ̄
arꎬabove subfiliformꎬ3.5-5.8 mm longꎬwithout nerveꎻ
anthers yellowishꎬoblong or broadly oblongꎬ1-1.5 mm
long. Carpels ca. 14ꎻ ovaries ca. 0.5 mm longꎬdensely
pubescentꎻ styles ca. 3.5 mm longꎬdensely long white ̄
villouseꎬnear apex slightly thickened and glabrous.
河南(Henan): 修武县ꎬ云台山ꎬ小寨沟 (Xi ̄
uwu XianꎬYuntai ShanꎬXiaozhaigou)ꎬ alt. 290 ~ 500
mꎬ路边石堆 ( in rocky place by road)ꎬ2009 ̄08 ̄25ꎬ
云台山采集队 (Yuntaishan Exped) 1397 (holotypeꎬ
yuntaishanica W. T. Wang)同样具二回羽状复叶ꎬ较
本种的小叶较小ꎬ多呈狭卵形或披针形ꎬ长 0.8 ~ 3.6
cmꎬ宽 0.4~1 cmꎬ通常全缘ꎬ稀具少数小齿ꎬ聚伞花
序较小ꎬ通常一回ꎬ稀二回分枝ꎬ宽 1.5 ~ 4 cmꎬ具 3
( ~4)花ꎮ
五台山毛茛  图 3
Ranunculus wutaishanicus W. T. Wangꎬsp. nov.
Fig. 3. ( subgen. Ranunculus sect. Ranunculus ser.
Songorici Ovcz.)
Habitu species nova haec est smilis R. glareoso
Hand. ̄Mazz.ꎬa quo foliis basalibus semper 3 ̄partitis
utrinque appresso ̄pubescentibusꎬ petalorum foveolis
nectariferis squamis praeditisꎬ carpellis stylis brevibus
crassis et stigmatibus minutis praeditis praeclare re ̄
cedit. In R. glareosoꎬfolia basalia 3 ̄partita vel 3 ̄secta
glabraꎬpetalorum foveolae nectariferae squamis caren ̄
tesꎬet carpella stylis plus minusve elongatis subulatis
praedita et stigmatibus carentia sunt.
Perennial herbs. Stems 13-17 cm tallꎬnear base
ca. 1 mm in diam.ꎬbelow sparsely above densely ap ̄
pressed ̄pubescentꎬ simpleꎬ 1 - 2 ̄leaved. Basal leaves
ca. 2ꎬlong petiolateꎻ blades paperyꎬpentagonal in out ̄
lineꎬ0.9-1.5 × 1.2-2.2 cmꎬon both surfaces sparsely
appressed ̄pubescentꎬat base deeply cordateꎬ3 ̄partedꎬ
central primary lobe broadly rhombic or rhombic ̄obo ̄
vateꎬnear apex obtusely 3 ̄lobulate or 3 ̄dentateꎬlateral
primary lobes obliquely flabellateꎬ unequally 2 ̄lobedꎬ
with upper secondary lobes slightly larger than lower
secondary lobesꎻ petioles 3.5-5 cm longꎬsparsely pu ̄
bescentꎬnear base in narrow sheath slightly widened.
Lower cauline leaf similar to basal leavesꎬbut smallerꎬ
shortly petiolate and with blade 3 ̄sectꎻ upper cauline
leaf sessileꎬ and its blade (2 -) 3 ̄sectꎬwith narrowly
oblanceolate lobesꎬ which are 2 ̄denticulate or entire.
Flower solitrryꎬterminal: Receptacle glabros. Sepals 5ꎬ
oblong ̄ellipticꎬ6-7 × 2.2-3.5 mmꎬat apex truncate ̄
obtuseꎬ adaxially glabrousꎬ abaxially appressed ̄pubes ̄
centꎬafter anthesis persistent. Petals 5ꎬyellowꎬflabel ̄
late ̄obovateꎬ8 × 7-9.5 mmꎬglabrousꎬat apex rounded ̄
truncateꎬ at base inconspicuously clawedꎬ nectary pit
with a transversely rectangular scale ca. 0. 5 mm lng
and 1 mm broad. Stamens ca. 60ꎬ glabrousꎻ filaments
39增刊 1                                王文采: 毛茛科五新种
图 3  五台山毛茛  A. 植株全形ꎻ B. 萼片(内面观)ꎻ C. 花瓣ꎻ D. 二雄蕊ꎻ E. 雌蕊群ꎻ F. 心皮ꎮ
Fig. 3  Ranunculus wutaishanicus  A. Habitꎻ B. Sepal (adaxial view)ꎻ C. Petalꎻ D. Two stamensꎻ E. Gynoeciumꎻ F. Carpel. (from holotype)
narrowly linearꎬ2.5-3 mm longꎻ anthers narrowly ob ̄
longꎬ1-1.2 mm long. Carpels ca. 22ꎬ1.6-2 mm longꎬ
glabrousꎻ ovaries ellipticꎬ 1. 4 - 1. 6 mm longꎻ styles
short and thickꎬ0. 1 - 0. 6 mm longꎻ stigmas narrowly
oblongꎬ0.2-0.25 mm long.
山西 (Shanxi):五台山ꎬ北台 (Wutai ShanꎬBe ̄
itai)ꎬ alt. 3 046 mꎬ 高山草地 (on alpine meadow)ꎬ
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49 广  西  植  物                                      36卷