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Studies on the genus Physconia from Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi in China


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 28(6):724— 726 2008年 儿 月
Studies on the genus Physconia from Qinling
M ountains of Shaanxi in China
ZHAO Zun—TianI,LI Ying—JieI,REN Qiang ,SUN Li—Yan , ,
YANG Fang1,SHI Xiu—Li
(1.College of Li Science,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China
2.Mount Tai Medical College,Taian 271000,China)
Abstract:Eight species of the genus Physconia are reported from Qinling Mts of Shaanxi according to mot—
phology,anatomy and chemistry.Of those taxa,P.elegantula,P.1obulifefa are new to Shaanxi and P.venusta
is reported again in Chinese lichen flora.Key to the species of Physconia and the simple discussion of these
taxa are provided.
Key words:Physconia;Qinling Mts;Shaanxi;China
CLC Number:Q939.5 Document Code:A Article ID:1000—3142(2008)06-0724-03
The genus Physconia was divided from Physcia
mainly founded on the spore type,anatomy of the up—
per and lower cortices,conidium type,and the ehemis—
try by Poelt(1965). This view was supported by
Morberg(1977)and still valid.Briefly the genus is
characterized by the scleropleetenchymatous upper cor—
tex of lobes,the lower cortex of the pulverulenta type,
the thin-walled spores of the Physconia type,and the
lack of atranorin.
Eight species of Physconia from China were re—
ported by lichenologists(Wei,1991).They are P.de—
sa,P.muscigena,P.tentaculata,P.venusta. After
1991 one new species(P.chinensis J.B.Chen et G.R.
Hu,2003)and four new records(P.hokkaidensis,P.
kurokawae,P.1obulifera,Chen Hu,2003;P.elega—
ntula,W ang et a1.,2005)were reported.However,P.
venusta was excluded from Chinese lichen flora,for the
specimens of P.venusta were reidentified as P.distorta
(Chen& Hu,2003).
In the present paper,we report 8 species of Phy—
sconia from Qinling Mts.Among them,two are new
records to Shaanxi and P.venusta is reported again in
Chinese lichen flora.So far,about 1 3 species of Phy—
sconia are known in China.
Materials and Methods
The present study is based on the specimens col—
lected in July-August,2005.All the specimens are pre—
served in the Lichen Section of Botanical Herbarium,
Shandong Normal University.
Dissecting microscope(Motic K一40OL)and corn—
pound mi croscope(JNOEC XS.213)were used for the
observation and measurements. Photographs were
taken with OLYM US SZ5 1 and BX5 1.Microscopical
measurements were made in water mounts and thin
layer chromatography (TI ) was performed using
standard methods(Culberson,1972).
Key to the species of Physconia from Qinling Mts
1.Thalus with either isdia or soredia;apotheeia present or absent
⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 2
2.Thalus with true isdia⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯ 3 P.elegantula
2.Tha1ls with soredia or isidioid,without true isdia⋯⋯ ⋯ 3
Received date:2007—01—25 Accepted date:2007—08—16
Foundation item:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(3O470。O3);the Natural Science Foundation
of Shandong Province(Y2004D03)
Biography:ZHAO Zun-Tian(1952一),male,Professor,study on botany,(E-mail)ztzhao@sohu.corn.
6期 赵遵田等:中国陕西秦岭大孢蜈蚣衣属地衣的研究 725
3.Marginal soredia linear or lip-shaped to strongly isidioid
⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 1 P.detersa
3.Marginal soredia isdioid to narrow,weakly dorsiventral
lobules⋯ ·⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ” 4 P.grumosa
1.Thallus without soredia or isidia,with or without apothecia
·⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ · · 4
4.Thalus with marginal lobules,with or without apothecia
⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5
5.Medula C+rose,KC+rose-red ⋯⋯⋯ 6 P.1obulifera
5.Medula C-,KC-⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 5 P.hokkaidensis
4.Thalus not regularly lobulate,often fertile ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 6
6.Lower surface pale,usualy near the lobe ends lacking a
cortex ⋯ ⋯⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 8 P.venusta
6.Lo wer surface pale tan to brown on the lobe ends and
black inward.corticate throughout⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 7
7.Upper cortex scleroplectenchymatous ⋯ 2 P.distorta
7.Upper cortex paraplectenchymatous⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 7 P.muscigena
1.Physconia detersa (Ny1.)Poelt,Nova Hedwigia
The species is with marginal liner or lip-shaped
soredia(Kashiwa,1975).It is like Physconia leuco—
leiptes.the latter’s lip-shaped soredia are K+ yellow
which contain secalonic acid,while that of Physconia
detersa are K-.
Chemistry:medulla K一,C_;TLC:no lichen
Habitat:on bark or rocks.Distribution:Europe,
East Asia and North America;Shaanxi,Yunnan,Hu-
bei,Neimenggu,Jilin,Xinjiang,Heilongjiang and Bei—
jing in China.
Specimens examined:Ningshan County:Pingheli—
ang,ah.2 100— 2 350 m,Wang CL & rang F
NSW O1O,NSW 020,NSW 157;Baiyangling,a1t.1 690
m,Guo SX & Shi XL SH320,SH329;Wang CL 8L
Yang F NSW018—1;Xunyangba,alt.1 120 m,Li YJ&
Fu W L-488,L-490,L-491;Zhongshansi,alt.1 610 m ,
Guo SX & Shi XL Q1580;Shangbaiyuan,alt.1 825 m,
Guo SX Q1393.
2.Physconia distorta(With.)Laundon,Lichenolo-
gist 16(3):218.(1984)
Among the specimens colected,the lobes of some
specimens are very narrow but pruinose.This is one of
the most common species of Physconia in China and
mainly on trees.
Chemistry:medulla K一,C-;TLC:no lichen
Habitat:on bark.Distribution:Europe,East Asia,
North America and South America;Shaanxi,Yunnan,
Xizang,Neimenggu,Jilin,Xinjiang,Heilongjiang and
Beijing in China.
Specimens examined:Ningshan Co unty:Pingheli—
ang,alt.2 010—2 350 m,Guo SX 8L Shi XL SH125,
SH288,SH290,SH432;Li YJ& Fu W L-496,L-560,
969;Banqiaogou,alt.1 530—1 610 m,Li YJ& Fu W
L-608,L.774;Baiyangling,alt.1 620— 1 700 m,Guo
SX& Shi XLSH318—1,SH324,SH326;Li YJ& Fu W
800— 1 850 m,Guo SX & Shi XL Q1392,Q1395;
Baiyunguan。alt.2 100—2 150 m,Guo SX & Shi XL
Q1371,491;Wang CL & Yang F TBW054;Luotuosi,
a1t.2 OOO一2 100 m,Guo SX & Shi XL Q1362,Q1366;
Wang CL& Yang F TBW212,TBW352.
3.Physconia elegantula Ess1.,Mycotaxon 5 1:92.
(199~his species is first reported in Shaanxi,which is
unique in the genus characterized by the distinctive true
isidia. The isidia is sparse to abundant,arising as
spherical papillae,becomi ng cy1indrica卜coralloid and at
times growing into lobules;Most of the sorediate spe—
cies of Physconia can produce strongly isidioid soredia
at times,especially in older specimens or older parts of
thallus,but lack a true cortex.
Chemistry:medulla K一,C一;TLC:no lichen
Habitat:on bark.Distribution:North Ameri—
ca;Xinjiang in China.
Specimens examined: M t. Taibai: Shang—
baiyun,alt.1 860 m,Guo SX & Shi XL Q1569;Da—
dian,a1t.2 240 m,Guo SX & Shi XL Q178.
4.Physconia grumosa Kashiw.et Poeh,Ginkgoana
It resembles Physconia detersa,from which it can
be distinguished by the presence of granular lobules,
but the specimens exami ned are quite difficult to dis—
Chemistry:medulla K一,C一;TLC:no lichen
Habitat:on bark or rocks.Di stribution:East A—
chuan.Anhui and Hebei in China.
726 广 西 植 物 28卷
Specimens examined:Ningshan County,Pingheli—
ang,alt.2 100—2 350 m,Guo SX & SK XL SH125,
SH177,SH288,SH290;Mt.Taibai:Yingtou,alt.1 180
m,Guo SX&Shi XL Ql213;Dadian,alt.2 24O一2 300
m.Wang CL& Yang F TBW192.
5.Physconia hokkaidensis Kashiw.,Ginkgoana 3:
This species is on moss or trees,which is charac—
terized by the marginal lobules.It differs from P.1obu—
lifera by the lack of Gyrophoric acid in the medulla.
Chemistry:medulla K一,C一;TLC.no lichen
Habitat:on bark and rocks.Distribution:Japan;
Shaanxi Xizang,Hubei,Hunan,Heilongjiang,Nei—
menggu,Anhui,Yunnan,Chongqing,Shanxi,Jilin and
Sichuan in China.
Specimens examined:M t.Taibai:Fangyangsi,
aIt.3 100— 3 200 m,Guo SX & Shi XL Q1255,
Q1405,Q1759;Li YJ& Fu W L-017,L一103,L-115,
L一188;Ren Q 05-023,05—052,05—075,05—100;Wen—
gongmiao,alt.3 360— 3 600 m,Guo SX & Shi XL
Q1144,Q1270;Li YJ& Fu W L一129,L-130.
6.Physconia lobulifera Kashiw.,Ginkgoana 3:60.
It is another new record species to Shaanxi,
which is characterized by the marginal lobules,the
C+ rose reaction in the medulla and the present of
gyrophoric acid.
Chemistry:medulla K一,C十 rose;TLC:gyro—
phoric acid.
Habitat:on bark.Distribution:Japan;Jilin in
Specimens examined:Ningshan County,Ping—
heliang,a1t.2 290 m,Li YJ Fu W L一705,L-708.
7.Physconia muscigena (Ach.)Poelt,Nova H edwi—
gia 9:30.(1965)
The species is determined by the ascending
growth form ,concave lobes,the distinctive substrate
moss,and the paraplectenchymatous upper cortex.
Chemistry:medulla K一,C一;TLC:no lichen
Habitat:on moss.Distribution:Europe,East Af—
rica and North America;Shaanxi,Xiniang,Hunan,Xi—
zang,Shan~,Jilin and Sichuan in China.
Specimens examined:Mt.Taibai:Shangbansi,alt.
3 500 m.Guo SX&Shi XL Qlo63;Wengongmiao,alt.
3 620 m,Ren Q 05-125.
8.Physconia venusta (Ny1.)Poelt
This species is most similar to P.distorta.The
1ower surface of the 1atter is pale brown to black,while
that of the form er is pale tan and lacking a cortex near
the lobe ends.In China it was only reported by Tchou
(1935),but the specimens were reidentified as P.dis—
torta.As a result,P.venusta was excluded from Chi—
nese lichen flora(Chen& Hu,2003).In our study,
the specimens collected from Qinling is identified as P.
venusta because of the pale tan lower surface and the
lack of a lower cortex near the lobe end.
Chemistry:medulla K一,C一;TLC:no lichen
Habitat:on bark.Distribution:South Europe.
Specimens examined:Mt.,I、aibai:Shangbaiyun,
ait.1 7O0—1 850 m,Guo SX& Shi XL Q1053,Ql136—
County,Pingheliang,alt.2 100 m,Li YJ& Fu W L-
758,L-759;Changan Co unty,Jiwozi,alt l 780 m,Li YJ
& Fu W L-458,L-459.
Acknowledgments For his valuable comments on
the studies and the 1oan of specimens,we are very
grateful to Dr Pak Wong of the National Science Muse—
um。Canada.W e are indebted to Ms.H.Deng of the
HMA L for the loan of specimens,to I)rs S.Y.Guo
and G.R.Hu of Key Laboratory of Systematic Mycol—
ogy& Lichenology,Institute of Microbiology,Chinese
Academy of Sciences who sent their valuable references
to us.
Bmd0 IM.2000.Lichens of North America[M].New Haven&
London:Yale University Press:560—566
Chen JB.Hu GR.2003.The 1iehen family Physciaceae(Ascomy—
cota)in China V.The genus Physconia[J].Mycotaxon,86:185
— — 194(in Chinese)
Culberson CF.1972.Improved conditions and new data for the i·
dentification of lichen products by a standardized thin-layer ehro—
matographic method[J].Chromatogr,72:113—125
Kashiw H.1975.The Genera Physcia,Physconia,and Dirinaria
of Japan[J].Ginkgoana,3:1—77
广 西 植 物 Guihaia 28(6):727 2008年 11月
无籽(少籽)罗汉果培育成功 (简报)
李 锋1,蒋向军2,蒋水元1,黄夕洋1,
(1. 彗 曼广西植物研究所,广西桂林541006;2.桂林 、 ‘中国科学院 。’ ’ ‘
亦元生现代生物技术有限公司,广西 桂林 541004)
中图分类 号 :o949.9 交献标 识码 :D 交童编 鲁 !i000—3142(2008)O6 0727—01
收稿日期:2008—11-05 修回日期 :2008-II一05
作者简介:李锋(1953-),男,广西全州县人 ,研究员,从事药用植物研究工作。
(上接第 726页 Continue from page 726)
Thomas H.NashⅢ.2002.Lichen Flora of the Greater Sono— Wei JC,1991.An enumeration of lichens in China[M].Bei—
ran Desert Region[M3.Lichens Unlimited:Arizona State jing:International Academic Publishers:203—205
University,Tempe,Arizona:376— 383
赵遵田1,李莹洁1,任 强1,孙立彦1,2,杨 芳1,史秀莉1
(1.山东师范大学 生命科学学院,济南 250014;2.泰山医学院,山东 泰安 271000)
摘 要:对采自陕西秦岭地区的大孢蜈蚣衣属地衣从形态学、解剖学、化学方面进行了研究,共鉴定出本属地
关键词:大孢蜈蚣衣属 ;秦岭;陕西 ;中国