全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 28(2):237 -241 2008 年 3 月
Annual changes of iron ,manganese , zinc and copper
concentrations in both types of citrus fruit
XIAO Jia-Xin1 ,2 , PENG Shu-Ang2
(1.Anhui Provincial Key Lab of the Conservation and Exploitation of Biological Resources , Institute of Horticulture Research ,
College of L ife Sciences , Anhui Normal University , Wuhu 241000 , China;2.Key Laboratory of Horticultural
Plant Biology , Ministry of Education , Huazhong Agricultural University , Wuhan 430070 , China)
Abstract:Annual changes in concentrations of iron(Fe),manganese(Mn), zinc(Zn)and copper(Cu)were measured in
whole f ruits from parthenocarpic Kamei satsuma mandarin(Citrus unshiu)and self-pollinated Egan 1 tangerine(C.re-
ticulata)trees.The results were showed as follows:(1)Zn and Cu concentrations in the ovary of Kamei were relative-
ly high before flowering and at full bloom , and decreased after flowering ,whereas those of Egan 1 decreased obviously
and were relatively low at full bloom , thereafter significant increases were observed.There were no significant differ-
ences in changes of Fe and Mn concentrations in the ovaries(fruitlets)between the two cultivars ,which presented sim-
ilarly decreasing t rends af ter flowering .(2)Fe ,Mn , Zn and Cu concentrations were relatively high in whole fruits of
both cultivars during young fruit development , and decreased remarkably during early fruit enlargement(drought
spell),whereas increased dramatically at the middle stage of fruit enlargement , thereaf ter decreased gradually .Dy-
namics of micronutrients concent rations in developing fruit and their possible relation w ith fruits development is dis-
cussed herein.
Key words:citrus;ovary(fruitlet);f ruit;iron;manganese;zinc;copper
CLC Number:Q945.1 Document Code:A Article ID:1000-3142(2008)02-0237-05
Fruit mineral concentrations have been related
to ripening , internal disorde rs and disease severity
in number o f f rui t(Marcelle , 1995;Tagliavini et
al .,2000).In o rder to manipulate mine ral content
and balance in f rui ts , it is impo rtant to know the
dynamics o f nutrients accumulation in developing
f ruit s.Although there a re many repo rts about dy-
namics o f mineral nut rients uptake by f rui t during
f ruit development(Zavalloni et al ., 2001;Storey &
T reeby ,2000 ,2002;Xiao et al .,2004b ,2005), as to
seasonal trends o f micronutrients such as Fe , Mn ,
Zn and Cu in who le f rui ts from par thenocarpy and
self-pollinated ci t rus cul tivars remain obscure and
no prior studies have been comparatively analy zed.
It has been repo rted that dynamics o f Ca ,K , B and
M g throughout f ruit development of the tw o typi-
cal cit rus cultiv ars ,which indicated that stimulation
of ferti lization w as very important to Ca and B up-
take by seedy f rui t , whereas there w as no t direct
relationship betw een K and M g uptake by f ruit and
fertilizat ion(Xiao et al ., 2004a , b , c , 2005).Many
reports demonstrated that Fe and M n , simi lar to
Ca ,were dif ficul t to move and be recycled in most
phloem o f plants ,while Zn and Cu w ere character-
ized as being intermediate phloem-mobi le (Mar-
schner ,1995).As for parthenocarpic satsuma man-
darin and self-pollinated tangerine , it s not ve ry
clear that w hether or no t the same mechanism is
*Received date:2006-05-17 Accepted date:2007-10-16
Foundation item:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30270924);Natural Science Foundation of A nhui Province
(070411004);the National Science Foundation of Education Department of Anhui Province(2006KJ184B);the Foundation of Provincial Key
Lab of Biotic Environment and Ecological Safety in Anhui Province
Biography:XIAO Jia-Xin(1970-),male, Born in Luotian County of Hubei Province, Associate professor , Ph.D ,mainly study on physiology
and ecology of horticultural plants.
invo lved.The refore , in the present w o rk , the annu-
al changes of Fe , Mn , Zn and Cu concentrations
were investigated in the ovaries (fruit le ts)and
who le f rui t s f rom parthenocarpic satsuma mandarin
and self-pollinated tangerine t rees , w ith the aim o f
identifying variations of Fe , Mn , Zn and Cu nutri-
ents uptake by f ruit and their possible relation w ith
f ruit development , which w ill play a theo retical and
basic ro le in taking practical steps for production.
1 Materials and methods
Samples we re collected f rom 8-year-old t rees
of satsuma mandarin(Citrus unshiu cv .Kamei)and
self-pollinated tangerine(C.ret iculata cv.Egan 1)
g rafted on trifo liate orange roo tsto ck(Poncirus tri-
f ol iata)grow ing at the experimental orchard of Re-
search Institute o f Frui t Tea , Hubei A cademy of
Ag ricultural Science of China.The expe riment w as
a randomized complete block design w ith three rep-
licat ions ,plots consisted o f five t ree s of each culti-
var.Fruits were collected f rom before f low ering to
f inal harvest.A round flow ering , ovaries o r fruit-
lets w ere sampled every 6-7 day s , and then sam-
pled every half a month.2-5 fruits(20-50 ova-
ries or fruit le ts around f low ering)were collected
Fig .1 Changes in concent rations of iron(A),manganese(B), zinc(C)and copper(D)in the ovary(fruitlet)around
cit rus flowering.DM ,Dry mass.LSD0.05 was value of the least significant difference(P<0.05).The same bellow .
f rom each tree at each harvest.Frui ts were repre-
sentative of average size of f ruit s on each tree.A f-
ter sampling , the w hole fruit s w ere dried to con-
stant w eight in an oven at 75 ℃, mil led th rough a
0.5 mm stainless steel screen and sto red in ai r-
tig ht glass container for subsequent analy sis.
Fe ,Mn , Zn and Cu concentrations w ere meas-
ured by an atomic abso rption spect ropho tometer
(Varian Spect rAA-220)acco rding to the method as
described by Zhuang(1994).Mean separation w as
performed by analy sis of variance fo llow ed by a
test fo r the least significant dif ference w ith a prob-
ability of 0.05(LSD0.05).
2 Results and analysis
2.1 Changes in concentrations of Fe ,Mn ,Zn and Cu
in the ovary(frutlet)around flowering
Dynamics o f Fe and M n concentrations w ere
sim ilar in the ovaries(fruit le ts)betw een Kamei and
Egan 1 around f low ering(Fig .1:A ,B).Fe and M n
concentrations in the ovaries of both cultivars w ere
relativ ely high f rom-6 to 0 day s af ter full bloom
(DAFB), thereaf ter gradually decreased.In addi-
t ion , Fe and M n concentrations in f rui tlet of Kamei
w ere relatively higher than tho se of Egan 1 from 27
238 广 西 植 物 28卷
to 44 DAFB.
Changes of Zn and Cu concentrations in the o-
varies(f rui tlets)were obviously dif ferent betw een
the tw o cultivar s(Fig .1:C , D).Zn concentration
w as relatively high in the ovary of Kamei befo re
f low ering , follow ed by a prog ressive decline coming
to the low est value at 44 DAFB , whereas that of
Egan 1 w as relatively low at f low ering , thereafter
increased signif icantly and reached the peak at 20
DAFB , thereafter decreased(Fig .1:C).
Fig.2 Changes in concentrations of iron(A),manganese(B),zinc(C)and
copper(D)in whole fruit during cit rus f ruit development
Similarly ,Cu concentration in the ovary of Ka-
mei w as at relatively high level befo re flowering
and at full bloom , the reaf ter decreased prog ressive-
ly ,whereas that of Egan 1 decreased significant ly
and remained relatively low at f low ering , and sig-
nificant increase w as detected at 7 DAFB , thereaf t-
er presented decreasing t rend(Fig .1:D).
2.2 Changes in concentrations of Fe ,Mn , Zn and Cu
in whole fruit during fruit development
Seasonal t rends w ere the same in w hole f ruit s
fo r micronutrients betw een Kamei and Egan 1(Fig.
2).During young fruit development(f rom 61 to 72
DAFB), Fe ,Mn ,Zn and Cu concentrations in w ho le
f ruit s w ere relatively high , follow ed by decreases to
the relatively low values at 96 DAFB ,whereas sig-
nificant ly increased at 112 DAFB , with exception o f
Cu in w hole f ruit f rom Kamei that changed slight ly
and remained relatively high from 61 to 141
DAFB , thereaf te r presented decreasing t rends up to
final harvest .In addi tion , f rom 61 to 112 DAFB ,Fe
and M n concentra tions in w ho le fruit of Kamei w as
relativ ely higher than that of Egan 1(Fig .2:A , B),
whi le f rui t Zn concentrations w ere signif icantly
higher in Kamei than in Egan 1 from 112 DAFB to
f inal harvest(Fig.2:C).
3 Discussion
The present research show s that Zn and Cu
concentrations in the ovary(f ruit let)f rom pa rthe-
nocarpic Kamei satsuma mandarin w ere at relat ive-
ly high levels befo re f low ering and at full bloom ,
thereaf ter decreased , but Zn and Cu concentrations
in the ovary(f ruit let)f rom self-po llinated Egan 1
tangerine w as in the reversed t rend , being at rela-
t ively low level at full bloom , and signif icant ly in-
creased af ter flowering (fertilization finished),
which were similar to Ca and B uptake by seedy
f rui t(Xiao et al .,2004a ,b , c).However ,no signifi-
cant dif fe rences in changes o f Fe and M n concen-
t rations w ere obse rved in the ovaries(f rui tlets)be-
tween the tw o cultiva rs , which showed decreasing
2392期 肖家欣等:两结实类型柑橘果实铁锰锌铜含量的年周期变化
t rends af ter flow ering , as revealed by Fig.1 , indica-
ting that there w as no direct relation betw een the
uptake of Fe and M n by fruit and ferti li zation ,
which w ere similar to K and M g found in o ther ci t-
rus f rui t(Xiao et al .,2004b ,2005).It has been re-
po rted that seeds in self-po llinated f rui t are impor-
tant sites o f hormone product ion , especially aux in
and gibberellin , that can enhance f ruit g row th and
facili tate mineral elements(Xiao et al .,2004c;Buc-
che ri &Vaio , 2004).The data f rom current w o rk
show that change pat terns of Zn and Cu betw een
parthenocarpy and self-pollinated ovary(f rui tlet)
were rever se a round f low ering ,whe reas those of Fe
and M n were of lit t le dif fe rences(Fig.1).Thus ,
the di fferences in Fe , Mn and Zn , Cu nutrients up-
take by ovary(f ruit let)and their metabolism in the
ovary(f ruit let)around f low ering may be related to
endogenous phy toho rmones and interact ions be-
tw een mineral elements.
The resul ts of the present study demonst rate
that Fe , Mn , Zn and Cu concentra tions in w ho le
f ruit s o f bo th cul tivars experienced sharp decreases
during early f ruit enlargement(at 96 DAFB)and
dramat ic increase s at the middle stage o f fruit en-
larg ement(at 112 DAFB)(Fig .2),which w ere simi-
lar to dynamics o f B in the pulp during the same
time(Xiao et al ., 2005).In 2003 , seve re drought
e xperienced in Huazhong dist rict of China during
early f rui t enlargement , which induced that micro-
nutrients concentrations decreased dramatically in
f ruit because f ruit g row th and development w ere
seriously rest rained during this time (eg.at
96DAFB),while f ruit g row th came back to normal
situat ion at 112 DAFB , micronutrients concentra-
tions increased rapidly in f ruit(Fig .2), this season-
al t rends w ere conspicuously different to accumula-
tion characteristics of macronutrients such as Ca ,K
and Mg repo rted befo re in both types of cit rus f rui t
(Xiao et al ., 2004a , b , 2005).Therefo re , we
thought that the stage of f ruit enlarg ement w as the
key phase for micronutrients uptake by f rui t , al-
though the accumulations o f Fe , Mn , Zn and Cu
w ere st rong ly af fected by environment st ress such
as drought.
Acknow ledgement s
We would like to acknow ledge asso ciate re-
searcher He Hua-Pin , Research Institute of Fruit
Tea , Hubei Academy o f A gricultural Science of
China , for his suppor t and suggestions fo r the de-
sign and implementation of this research.
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240 广 西 植 物 28卷
肖家欣1 , 2 , 彭抒昂2
(1.安徽师范大学园艺研究所重要生物资源保护与利用研究安徽省重点实验室 , 安徽芜湖 241000;
2.华中农业大学园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室 , 武汉 430070)
摘 要:对单性结实的龟井温州蜜柑和自花授粉结实的鄂柑 1号柑橘果实的铁 、锰 、锌和铜含量的年周期变化
进行了测定。结果表明:(1)龟井子房的锌和铜含量在花前至花期居较高 ,花后趋下降 ,而鄂柑 1号对应值在花
期出现明显下降并居较低 ,花后却有一明显上升;两品种子房(幼果)的铁和锰含量变化却无明显差异 ,花后呈类
似的下降趋势。(2)幼果阶段的果实铁 、锰 、锌和铜含量均居较高 ,在果实膨大初期(干旱期)均出现一明显下降 ,
而在果实膨大中期却出现显著上升 ,之后又趋下降。本文还对果实发育中的微量元素含量动态及其与果实发育
(上接第 264页 Continue f rom page 264)
液的相对电导率表现出明显的差异。因此 ,相对电导
确地鉴定麝香百合的抗热性 ,本研究用隶属函数值法
来综合评价抗热性的强弱 。结果表明 ,麝香百合基因
型间存在着明显的差异 ,评定结果与田间的表现基本
一致。即 Wforest 、G 、Wfox 等抗热性能比较弱 ,而
K1-1 、K 2-7 、K1-2为比较抗热的优良基因型 ,在华南地区
杂的数量性状 ,不同品种某一具体抗热指标对高温胁
迫的反应不一定相同 ,因此用单一指标难以全面准确
地反映植物品种抗热性强弱。本试验中上述 4个指
标的表现和变化与麝香百合基因型间的变化相一致 ,
且相互间有一定的相关。因此 ,均可作为麝香百合抗
热性的评价指标。但指标间的相互关系 ,有待进一步
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2412期 肖家欣等:两结实类型柑橘果实铁锰锌铜含量的年周期变化