Species and distribution of Pedicularis L.from Gansu STUDY ON PROVENANCE SELECTION OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS CARR. IN GANSU PROVINCE Floristic study on the genus Saussurea in Gansu and floristic relations with its adjacent regions Clematis austrogansuensis, a new species of Ranunculaceae from Gansu Clematis austrogansuensis, a new species of Ranunculaceae from Gansu The biodiversity of butterfly communities in southern Gansu: Parnassius species as representatives The changing characteristics of potential climate productivity in Gansu Province during nearly 40 years Postulation of Stripe Rust Resistance Genes and Analysis of Adult Resistance in 50 Wheat Varieties (Lines) in Gansu Province Dynamic ecological footprint simulation and prediction based on ARIMA Model: a case study of Gansu Province, China Some New Species of Caragana and Chesneya from China Applying input-output analysis method for calculation of water footprint and virtual water trade in Gansu Province Types and Characteristics of Natural Grassland Vegetations in the Loess Plateau Lying in East Gansu Province THE POPULUS EUPHRATICA FORESTS IN GANSU PROVINCE Additions to Flora of Gansu Province Isolation, Identification and Biological Characteristics of Fusarium equiseti from Maize Ear Rot Samples Carbon Density and Its Allocation Characteristics of Young Plantation of Platycladus orientalis in the Hilly Loess Region of Gansu Province, China DISCUSSION ON MATURE AGE AND REGENERATION AGE OF POPULUS GANSUENSIS SHELTERBELTS FOR CROP IN DIFFERENT SOIL TYPES IN HEXI CORRIDOR Responses of Nitraria tangutorum Branch and Leaf Growth to Simulated Rainfall Genetic diversity analysis on Angelica sinensis from different habitats in Gansu province based on ISSR Studies on the vegetation and the spermatophytic flora of Taitong-Kongtong Mountain Nature Reserve in Pingliang of Gansu Province A ANALYSIS ON THE FLORA AND GEOGRAPHY OF GYMNOSPERM FROM GANSU PROVINCE STUDIES ON THE WILD ECONOMIC PLANT RESOURCES AND ITS UTILIZATION IN GANSUHEXI SYSTEMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE GENUS LONICERA L. FROM GANSU Systematic analysis of agro-ecoclimatic resources in Gansu Province Some ecological characteristics of the isolated population of alpine musk deer(Moschus chrysogaster) in the Xinglong forest,Gansu Province Primary Study on Hepaticae from Mt. Qilian Community Characteristics of Natural Grasslands in Hilly and Gully Area of the Loess Plateau Lying in East Gansu Province ANALYSIS OF THE GROWTH FOR POPULUS GANSUENSIS IN Effect of Gansui Banxia Tang plus-minus Gansui and Gancao anti-drug combination that preferred dose close to clinical application on diuretic effect in malignant ascites rats Genetic diversity analysis on Ephedra intermedia from Gansu based on ISSR