Kinetic Change in Envelope Membranes Enclosing Bacteroids and Relationship between Host Cells and Bacteroids Cell Structures of Psudonodules Formed on the Roots of Barley and Rice Effects of salt stress on photosynthetic characteristics and leaf cell structure of ‘Yinhong’ grape seedlings Meristem Cell Structure and Endogenous Hormones Changes during the Adventitious Root Primordia Formation of Populus euphratica Oliver Effects of essential oil from Artemisia lavandulaefolia on morphology and structure of HeLa cells in vitro Effect of Barley(Hordeum vulgare) Awns on Grain Yield Effect of Cu2+ Stress to the Cell Structure of Two Lichen Species Electron Tomography in Plant Cell Biology EFFECT OF~(60)Co γ-RAYS ON GROWTH OF Agaricus blazei MURILL HYPHA AND ITS CELL SHAPE STRUCTURE Effects of Pulsed Magnetic Field on Growth and Infestation of Botryosphaeria dothidea THE RELATION BETWEEN WOOD CELL STRUCTURE OF CASUARINA AND THE RESISTANCE FOR ANOPLOPHORA CHlNENSlS Studies on micro-structure of aleurone cell in micro-endosperm maizes The Establishment and Simulation of Model of Pinus massoniana Fiber Cell

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