Effects of potassium on the parenchyma cell structure of storage root,the distribution of 14C photosynthates and yield in sweet potato EFFECTS OF IRRADIATION ON FRESHKEEPING OF ROSE CUT-FLOWER A comparation of respiration characteristics between Schima superba and Castanopsis fargesii in successional series of evergreen broad leaved forest Effect of STS on biological and physiological changes of the tree peony EFFECTS OF EMS ON THE GERMINATING SEEDS OF RICE Fusicoccin-ethylene Interaction in the Growth of Etiotated Pea Seedlings STUDIES ON DESICCATION SENSITIVITY OF WAMPEE SEED IN DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT STAGES INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT POTASSIUM LEVELS ON GROWTH,DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSIOLOGY IN CYMBIDIUM SINENSE FOLLOWING POTASSIUM STARVATI EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT PHOSPHORUS LEVELS ON GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN CYMBIDIUM SINENSE FOLLOWING PHOSPHORUS STARVATION CHANGES IN PHYTOHORMONE AND VITAMIN CONTENTSAND RESPIRATORY RATE IN POLLENS OF RICE, MAIZE AND CHINESE PENNISETUM STORED AT LOW TEMPERATURE Physiologic characteristics of Panax notoginseng seeds during after-ripening process Effects of NO3- on respiratory rate and enzyme activities of roots of sweet cherry under waterlogging conditions Effects of High Oxygen on Respiratory Rate and Ethylene Production in Harvested Blueberries and Strawberries Effects of Potassium 2,3-epoxypropionate on Photosynthetic Functions of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Effects of High Oxygen on Respiratory Rate and Ethylene Production in Harvested Blueberries and Strawberries THE RELATIONSHIP OF SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES AND DISEASE RESISTANCE IN COTTON INFECTED WITH FUSARIUM WILT DISEASE THE CHANGES OF THE RESPIRATORY RATE AND NUTRITION UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY OF HELICOVERPA ARMGERA (HUBNER) INFECTED BY BEAUVERIA BASSIANA Comparative Studies on Relationships Between Proline Accumulation and Photosynthesis, Respiration and Chlorophyll Content of Some Plant Species in the Middle Part of the Desert Zone in China DIURNAL CHANGES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND ACTIVE OXYGEN SCAVENGING ENZYMES IN SOYBEAN LEAVES UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS

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