Construction of the Plant Expression Vectors Carrying Resistant Genes to Powdery Mildew and Adversities in Wild Species of Vitis in China Tissue culture of chinese wild grape Identification of Molecular Genetic Markers Tightly Linked to White Rot Resistant Genes in Chinese Wild Grape Some Physiological and Biochemical Changes of Embryo Abortion in Hybridsof Seedless Grapes and Chinese Wild Grapes Antioxidant activity and antibacterial property of wild grape and grape wine Cloning and Expression of Transcription Factor VdWRKY53 in Vitis davidii Breeding Technology of Embryo Rescue in Seedless Grape with Chinese wildGrape Breeding Technology of Embryo Rescue in Seedless Grape with Chinese wildGrape The utilization of Chinese wild grape species in production and breeding Cloning and Sequence Analysis of CBF1 Gene in Vitis amurensis Investigation on Parasitic Nematodes Associated with the W ild Grapes Native to China Genetic Diversity in Wild Grapes Native to China Based on Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis Cloning Full Length cDNA of Chinese Wild Vitis Novel Gene and Sequence Analysis An Optimized Chloroplast Isolation and Chloroplast DNA Extraction Protocol for Chinese Wild Grapes Effects of different relative humidities on physiological activities of wild grape Investigation on Parasitic Nematodes Associated with the W ild Grapes Native to China