Consistency and stability of Yinzhihuang Injection based on HPLC fingerprints MODIS-DETERMINED INTER-ANNUAL VEGETATION DYNAMICS IN JINGHE WATERSHED, CHINA A rapid assessment method for forest disaster based on MODIS/NDVI time series: a case study from Guizhou Province Comparison of GIMMS and MODIS normalized vegetation index composite data for Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. PHOSPHATE ABSORPTION AND DISTRIBUTION IN FLUE-CURED TOBACCO UNDER DIFFERENT OZONE CONSISTENCY BY USING ~(32)P Investigation on internationalization of Chinese materia medica from source plants Investigation on internationalization of Chinese materia medica from source plants Inheritance of Gel Consistency in Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genetic Relationship among Wx Gene, AC, GC and GT of Rice Physical fingerprint for quality control of traditional Chinese medicine extract powders ALK, The Key Gene for Gelatinization Temperature, is a Modifier Gene for Gel Consistency in Rice Which one is more important, raw materials or productive technology?—— a case study for quality consistency control of Gegen Qinlian decoction Application of blending raw materials in quality consistency control of Qianlie Shule Capsule Taxon sampling and the accuracy of phylogenetic analyses Evaluation of consistency and difference of Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma et Radix pieces using total statistical moment method combined with cluster analysis and principal component analysis