Chemical constituents of Taxodium ascendens Characteristics of Reference in Classifying Fossil Plants of Genera Metasequoia and Sequoia by Epidermal Features ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CIS-5, 11, 14, 17 EICOSATRAENOIC ACID IN SEED OIL FROM PLANTS OF TAXODIACEAE Leaf epidermal structure and stomatal parameters of the genus Taxodium (Taxodiaceae) Phylogenetic Analysis of the Family Taxodiaceae Origin, Evolution and Distribution of the Taxodiaceae The Karyotype Analysis of Arthrotaxis (Taxodiaceae) and Its Systematic Position Two Evolutionary Lines of Taxodiaceae Biochemical Systematics of Gymnosperms (4)—Seed Protein Peptides and Needle Peroxidases of Taxodiaceae Terpenoids and Phenols from Taiwania flousiana The Chemical Constituents of Two Natural Woody Gragrances EPIDERMAL STRUCTURES OF METASEQUDIA GLYPTOSTROBOIDES HU ET CHENG(TAXODIACEAE) STUDIES ON THE RESIN C0NSTITUENTS 0F TAXODIACEAE I. SESQUITERPENE AND DITERPENE C0MP0NENTS 0F THE RESIN FR0M CUNNINGHAMIA UNICANALICULATA VAR. PYRAMlDALIS TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON THE FAMILY TAXODIACEAE