Difference between the WTP and WTA in cultural service value evaluation of agriculture ecosystems: Shanghai pond aquaculture case study Using CVM to estimate the restoring cost of Maqu grassland Preface Agrodliversity,agrobiodiversity and the papers in this special issue of Acta Bowtanica Yunnanica Measurement and analysis of asymmetry between WTP and WTA values in the evaluation of environmental value: the case of coastal environmental protection in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Three Species of Ardisia Newly Recorded from Myanmar Cladistics of the Genus Ardisia in China An eco-agriculture model of “reed-crab-mandarin fish-microlepido yellowtal” for enhanced production functions of soda saline-alkali reed marshlands Research progress of contingent valuation method for application to agricultural ecological compensation The assessment of non-market value of agricultural land resource in Wuhan NEW TAXA OF FAGACEAE FROM DULONGJIANG