Construction of Genomic Library for Leucaena Leacocephala and Isolation of a Gene Enco ding Seed Storage Protein Effect of Leucaena leucocephala on soil organic carbon conservation on slope in the purple soil area Characteristics of leaf element concentrations of twelve nutrients in Acacia confusa and Leucaena glauca in secondary forests of acid rain region in Fuzhou Two Newly Described Polypores on Populus in Northeast China Effect of Changes of Temperature Around Roots in Relation to Water Uptake by Roots and Leaf Transpiration Experimental study on antidiabetic effect of the total flavonoids in Leucaena seeds STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF THE LIMING AND INOCULATION OF RHIZOBIA LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA CV. SALVADOR Effects of drought stress on lipid peroxidation and activity of defense enzymes of Dodonaea viscosa, Leucaena leucocephala and Tephrosia candida seedlings A Study on the Ecoadaptation of Leucaena leucocephala A Study on Leucaena Varietal Resistance to the Leucaena Psyllid THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF ROOT NODULE CELLS OF LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA Uptake and Translocation of Heavy Metals in Dominant Plants of Soil Seed Banks INTRODUCED TO A LEAD / ZINC MINE TAILINGS POND Effects of mine tailings in the zinc and lead mine wasteland on seedling ecesis of Leucaena glauca Vegetation biomass allocation and its spatial distribution after 20 years ecological restoration in a dry-hot valley in Yuanmou, Yunnan Province of Southwest China.