Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia (Semiaquilegia adoxoides)Ⅰ. the Structure of Semiaquilinoside Classification and Gene Expression Analysis of HSFs from Aquilegia coerulea and Sub-cellular Localization of AyHSF1 Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Aquilegia ecalcarata Maxim Studies on Flavonoids from Aquilegia oxysepala Mey. ANATOMY OF THE PRIMARY VASCULAR SYSTEM OF THE SEEDLING OF Aquilegia oxysepala Trautv. ET MEY Pharmaphylogenetic study on Isopyroideae (Ranunculaceae) Characters of stigma in three Aquilegia species Floral Morphogenesis of Aquilegia L. (Ranunculaceae) Classification and Gene Expression Analysis of HSFs from Aquilegia coerulea and Sub-cellular Localization of AyHSF1 A NEW DITERPENE FROM PARAQUILEGIA ANEMONOIDES