Study on combination components and effectiveness of Chinese traditional herbal formulas Stability of superfine powder of Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus, Gastrodiae Rhizoma, and Rhodiolae Crenulatae Radix et Rhizoma Application and Characteristics of Macroreticular Resin in Purification Study of Different Effective Ingredients in Chinese Medicines Interaction of intestinal microecology and internal metabolism of effective ingredients from Chinese materia medica Study on correlation between effective ingredients of
Dogwood Fruit from genuine producing regions and traits
Interaction of effective ingredients from traditional Chinese medicines with intestinal microbiota Studies on accumulation of active ingredients, N, P and Kin Anemarrhena asphodeloides Dynamic research of growth, N, P, K and active ingredients in Angelica dahurica var. formosana from Sichuan province New advance in studies on antimicrobal activity of Scutellaria baicalensis and its effective ingredients