Comparison study of sulfur dioxide resistance of three warm-season turf grasses Effect of the derivatives of sulfur dioxide on the germination, growth and cell division of maize seedlings Expression of Arabidopsis defense-related genes in response to sulfur dioxide fumigation Responses of Ten Landscaping Tree Species To Sulfur Dioxide A STUDY ON THE FEASIBILITY OF MONITORING SO_2POLLUTION BY USING N.COMMUNE BAGS Catalase Activity Response to Sulfur Dioxide in Zea mays L. Response of masson pine seedling to chronic harm of SO2 Cytogenetic Damage Induced by Sulfur Dioxide in Vicia faba Root and Leaf Meristematic Cells Effect of sulfur dioxide on the micronuclei formation in Vicia faba root tips Cytogenetic Damage of A. sativum Root Cells Induced by Sulfur Dioxide Physiological responses of four cold-season turfgrasses to oxidative stress of SO2 Effect of different processing methods on active ingredient contents and sulfur dioxide residue in Astragali Radix Studies on the Feasibility of SOD Activity as Bioindicators of SO2 Pollution INHIBITION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE ON BOTRYTIS CINEREA AND ALTERNARIA SP. Physiological Responses of Three Ground Cover Plants under Sulfur Dioxide Stress STUDY OF HISTOLOGICAL ANATOMY ON POSTHARVEST TABLE GRAPE AFTER FUMlGATION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE Determination of sulfur dioxide in traditional Chinese medicine by alkaline solution extraction and ion chromatography Physiological responses of four golden-leaf trees to SO2 stress SULFUR DIOXIDE POLLUTION CONTRIBUTES TO OUTBREAK OF THE SAWFLY DIPRION JINGYUANENSIS XIAO AND ZHANG (HYMENOPTERA:DIPRIONIDAE) Mathematical Models of Biological Monitoring of Atmospheric Environment Quality in Polluted

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