Separation and purification technology of ferulic acid in Angelica sinensis by macroporous adsorption resin Biological mechanisms of human-derived leukemia stem cells senescence regulated by Angelica sinensis polysaccharide Research progress of structures and pharmacological activities of phthalides from Angelica sinensis Antidepression constituents from Angelica Sinensis Radix in Xiaoyao Powder Sublethal effects of Angelica sinensis and Ricinus communis extracts on the growth, development and fecundity of Spodoptera exigua Hübner Effect of continuous cropping on Angelica sinensis diurnal photosynthetic dynamics Angelica sinensis polysaccharides delay aging of hematopoietic stem cells through inhibitting oxidative damge Effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharide on expression of telomere, telomerase and P53 in mice aging hematopoietic stem cells Removal of heavy metals from extract of Angelica sinensis by EDTA-modified chitosan magnetic adsorbent Investigation on chromatogram-pharmacodynamics relationship of Angelica sinensis on effect of replenishing blood

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