Isolation and identification of siderophore producing bacteria CAS15 from the soil Identif ication of three sapon ins from leaves of A ralias elate Analysis of the Chemical Constituents of Hypericum hubeiense by HPLC/DAD/ESI-MS In vivo pharmacokineics of salvianolic acid B and its metabolite in rats In vivo pharmacokinetics of salvianolic acid B and its metabolite in rats Stripping and hydrolyzing balance of aconitic alkaloids in processing of Sini Decoction Analysis of compatibility mechanism of Radix Ginseng Rubra with Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis by HPLC-ESI-MS Mass spectrum characterization of five valepotriates by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry Identification of active components in Syngnathus acus by HILIC-ESI-TOF/MS and study on their specific fingerprint chromatograms Determination of Anthocyanins and Exploration of Relationship between Their Composition and Petal Coloration in Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia hybrid) Effect of various ingredients in Bawei Dihuang Decoction on release of aconitine alkaloids by ESI-MS spectrometry