STUDY ON SELECTION OF ALNUS CREMASTOGYNE PROVENANCE /FAMILY——ANALYSIS OF GROWTH ADAPTATION AND GENETIC STABILITY Age Trends of Genetic Parameters for Growth Traits in Short Rotation Larix kaempferi Families Preliminary Study on Salt Tolerance Genetic Characters in the Newly Released Salt Tolerant Alfalfa Cultivar "Zhongmu No.1 Determination of General Combining Ability and Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Forage Yield in Alfalfa Estimation on the Genetic Parameters of Parent-offspring Clone(Populus deltoides‘Shan Hai Guan’×P. suaveolens Fisch) An Analysis on Genetic Variation in Growth Characters of Geographical Provenances of Eucalyptus tereticornis Comparison on main growth characters of test-tube plants and seeding plants in Bupleurum chinense