Lignin Contents and the Activities of Enzymes Related to Lignin Biosynthesis in the Stock and Scions of Watermelon after Grafting Diurnal Photosynthetic Change in the Canopy of Greenhouse Watermelon at the Fruit-setting Stage Seed Purity Test of Hybrid Varieties of Watermelon by SSR Marker Effects of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) on the Photosynthesis and Anti-oxidative Enzymes Activities of the Leaves of Greenhouse Watermelon in Summer and Winter A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Qianding 1’ A New Watermelon Cultivar‘E-xigua 16’ A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Qianding 1’ CmMLO2:A Novel Gene Closely Associated with the Powdery Mildew in
Expression of p22 Gene of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in Escherichia coli and Preparation of Antiserum Expression of p22 Gene of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in Escherichia coli and Preparation of Antiserum A New Muskmelon Cultivar‘Hongzhuangyuan’ A New Muskmelon Cultivar‘Jinmeigui’ A New Muskmelon Cultivar‘Jinmeigui’ Advances in Genetic Improvement of Hami Melon in Xinjiang,China A New Crisp Flesh Muskmelon Cultivar‘Hongmali’ A New Crisp Flesh Muskmelon Cultivar‘Hongmali’ A New Minitype Hami Melon Cultivar‘Jincuifeng’ A New White Skin Green Flesh Melon Cultivar‘Lüle’ A New Oriental Melon Cultivar‘Nongda 8’Bred from Gynoecious A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Ningnongke 3’ Histological and Cytological Research on Graft Union Formation of Grafted Watermelon Seedlings with Different Scion Ages A SSR Marker Linked to Gsb-4 Loci Resistance to Gummy Stem Blight in Melon Histological and Cytological Research on Graft Union Formation of Grafted Watermelon Seedlings with Different Scion Ages Study on Growing Media pH on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Muskmelon Seedlings Effects of controlled/slow-released nitrogen fertilizers on physiological characteristics and quality of melon under substrate cultivation Preliminary Study on the Melon-Shaped Column Structure in the Grand Hall of Ningbo Baoguo Temple Effect of Calcium on Muskmelon Seedling Harmed by Acid Rain EFFECT OF ROOT_ZONE HYPOXIA STRESS ON GROWTH AND RESPIRATORY METABOLISM PATHWAY OF MUSKMELON SEEDLING ROOTS Spatial distribution pattern and sampling technique for the fungal wilt disease in watermelon fields Effect of rooting -zone restriction on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of muskmelon seedling A SSR Marker Linked to Gsb-4 Loci Resistance to Gummy Stem Blight in Melon Effects of Exogenous γ-aminobutyric Acid on Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism and Mineral Elements Contents of Melon Seedling Under Hypoxia Stress Progress of Study on Sex Differentiation in Melon Construction of cDNA Expression Library of Watermelon and Screening and Identification of Interaction Partner of FonSIX6,a Virulence Factor from Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveurn Construction of cDNA Expression Library of Watermelon and Screening and Identification of Interaction Partner of FonSIX6,a Virulence Factor from Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveurn cDNA Cloning and Characterization of a Eggplant Peptide Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase(SmMsrA) cDNA Cloning and Characterization of a Eggplant Peptide Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase(SmMsrA) Comparative Analyses of Some Physiological Characters of Watermelon Seedlings under 10℃ and 15℃ Low Temperature Treatments MSAP and Differential Expression of Homologous Diploid and Triploid Watermelon Under Cold Stress A New Melon Cultivar‘Yongtian 8’ A New Muskmelon Cultivar‘Ximi 8’ A New Oriental Melon Cultivar‘Hualei’ A New Oriental Melon Cultivar‘Jiaoxue 9’ A New Mini Watermelon Cultivar‘Jinyu Linglong Wuzi 1’ A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Tiancheng’ Detection of Viruses Infecting Hami Melon and Their Molecular Identification in Xinjiang Expression Analysis of Lycopene and β-carotene Related Genes in Red and Orange-yellow Fleshed Watermelon Fruits Identification and Expression Analysis Under Abiotic Stresses of the bHLH Transcription Factor Gene Family in Watermelon Effect of Clematis Asiabell (Codonopsis clematidea) and Pilose Asiabell(Codonopsis pilosula) on SOD and MDA of Mouse Brain Chemical constituents of ethyl acetate fraction from seed melon (Citrulluslanatus ssp. vulgaris var. megalaspermus)

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