STUDY ON EUONYMUS LINN. (CELASTRACEAE) FROM SHANDONG New Species and Records of Green Flagellates from China Some New Recorded Plants of Dryopteris Adanson from Hubei New Records of Orchids from Hainan,China(Ⅲ) A New Record of Listera from Mainland China-Listera japonica Bl. Notes on Brachytheciaceae (Bryophyta) of China Isodon atroruber (Lamiaceae):A Newly Recorded Species from China NEW RECORD OF THE CAREX FROM CHINA New Data of Some Orchidaceous Plants in Yunnan,China Additions to the Flora of China Studies of Freshwater Audouinella(Acrochaetiales,Rhodophyta)from China Preliminary Studies on Diatoms from Kanasi in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Freshwater Diatoms from Kinmen Island in Fujian,China New Records of Pinnularia(Bacillariophyta) from Xinjiang, China Newly Recorded Species of Cymbellaceae(Bacillariophyta) from Da’erbin Lake Daxing’anling Mountains, China A Taxonomic Revision of Actinidia umbelloides C.F.Liang A Taxonomic Revision of the Dipteridaceae from Yunnan, China Aphyllorchis pallida, A New Record of Orchidaceae from China Preliminary Studies on Diatoms from Chongming East Beach Agrostophyllum planicaule,A New Record of Orchidaceae from Yunnan,China Triodanis Raf.—A New Recorded Genus of Campanulaceae in China A Revision with Notes on the Orchidaceae from Xinjiang, China Two species of the genus Myriophyllum L. (Haloragaceae) newly recorded in China Dendrolobium rugosum (Prain) Schindler (Leguminosae), a new record to China Milletia pendula Benth. (Papilionaceae), a new record to China Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus (XV) Nanodiatoms from Xiamen Harbour (I) Novelities of the Orchidaceae of Guizhou, China Pelagodictyon Clarke, a newly recorded nanodiatom genus for China First report of Protokeelia spinifera and Rhopalodia iriomotensis from China, with comments on their systematic positions Taxonomic and Floristic Novelties in Chinese Umbelliferae from Qomolangma Region (Xizang, the Himalayas) Notes on three species of the genus Kadsura Juss. (Schisandraceae) Two genera of freshwater Dinophyta newly recorded from China Onobrychis micrantha Schrenk, a newly recorded species of Leguminosae from China Ultrastructure studies on four newly recorded species of Chrysochromulina (Haptophyta) in China Phalaenopsis lobbii (Rchb. f.) H. R. Sweet, a new record of Orchidaceae from Yunnan, China Tuomeya Harvey, a genus of freshwater Rhodophyta newly recorded from China The Genus Hattoria of Jungermanniaceae New to China Temporal Spatial Distribution of Vegetation in the Qinghai Xizang Plateau During the Past 12 ka BP Liparis elegans Lindl. (Orchidaceae), A New Record from China Agapetes lobbii C. B. Clarke (Ericaceae), A Newly Recorded Species from Vietnam Castanopsis gamblei (Fagaceae), A Newly Recorded Species from Vietnam A Newly Recorded Species of Lauraceae from China:Cinnamomum daphnoides Sieb. et Zucc. Weissia muhlenbergiana (Pottiaceae), A Newly Recorded Species from China Dendrobium lagarum Seidenf., A Newly Recorded Species of Orchidaceae from Hainan, China Mussaenda longipetala , A Newly Recorded Species of Mussaenda ( Rubiaceae ) from China Michelia mannii (Magnoliaceae),A Newly Recorded Species from Vietnam A Newly Recorded Species Rorippa amphibia (L.) Besser from China A New Record of Sinocalycanthus chinensis in Anhui Province Population Characteristics of Some Rare and Endangered Plants in North and Northeast of Guangdong Province, China New Records of Orchidaceae from Hainan Province Newly Recorded Plants from Hainan Island, China (Ⅺ) Strobilanthes adpressa J. R. I. Wood, A Newly Recorded Species of Acanthaceae from China Some Newly Recorded Species from Hainan Merremia boisiana ― A Newly Recorded Species from Guangdong, China Some Newly Recorded Species from Guangdong 中国槲寄生属—分布新记录种—尼泊尔槲寄生 Some New Records from Guangdong Newly Recorded Pteridophytes from Guangzhou,China A Bauhinia(Leguminosae)Species New to China A NEW SPECIES OF AINSLIAEA FROM YUNNAN Three Species of Genus Pteromalus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Parasitizing Rhynchaenus empopulifolis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae),with Description of a New Species from China Bretschneideraceae,a New Record Family from Hainan Province,China Some new recorded spermatophytes from Guizhou Province(Ⅱ) Stauranthera grandiflora, a newly recorded plant from Hainan Island Chenopodium pumilio a newly naturalized species in China Additions to the fern flora of Hunan Province Some new recorded spermatophytes from Guizhou Province Notes on three species of the genus Illicium Linn.(Illiciaceae) Two new recorded species of Orinus from Qinghai Province Notes on Cyperaceae of China SOME NEWLY RECORDED PLANTS FROM HUNAN PROVINCE OF CHINA (Ⅴ) NEW DATA FOR MAGNOLIACEAE PLANTS IN YUNNAN PROVINCE OF CHINA, THAILAND AND VIETNAM A NEW RECORDED SPECIES TO FLORA OF TIBET SOME NEW RECORDED SPERMATOPHYTE FROM FUJIAN PROVINCE NEW TAXA OF FAGACEAE IN SHAANXI PROVINCE SOME NEW RECORDED SPERMATOPHYTE FROM JIANGSU AND ANHUI PROVINCE Studies on the new and dominant species of genus Pythium in Nanning Region of Guangxi Three species of the lichen genus Lecanora new to China from Bailong River Valley, Gansu Province Some new records from Guangxi, China