KARYOTYPE ANALYSIS OF PAEONIA DELAVAYI VAR. LUTEA Isolation and Expression Analysis of GST Gene Encoding Glutathione S-Transferase of Paeonia delavayi var. lutea Wild Population in Yunnan Genetic Diversity Analysis of Natural Populations in Paeonia Delavayi Chemical constituents of Paeonia delavayi C BANDING PATTERNS IN PAEONIA DELAVAYI COMPLEX OF GENUS PAEONIA Numeric dynamics of natural populations of Paeonia delavayi (Paeoniaceae) Early Identification of the Descendents from Distant Hybridization of Paeonia delavayi by Morphological and ISSR Markers Early Identification of the Descendents from Distant Hybridization of Paeonia delavayi by Morphological and ISSR Markers A Study on Characters Variation of Different Flower Color Groups of Paeonia delavayi (Paeoniaceae) SSRs Marking of Paeonia delavayi Based on Peony EST Data Giemsa C-banding Patterns in 8 Populations of Paeonia delavayi var.lutea