Laboratory efficacy of RH-2485, a new non-steroidal ecdysone agonist, against cotton bollworm: Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) Determination of Ecdysones in Polyploid and Monoploid Achyranthes bidentata BI. Simultaneous determination of eleven ingredients in Xinnaokang Tablets by HPLC Studies on Androgen-like and Anabolic Action of Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville Pas INTERRELATIONS OF PHYTOECDYSONES ON THEIR CHEMICAL STRUCTURE IN SAME PLANT AND THEIR BIOSYNTHETIC PATHWAY IN PLANT EFFECT OF β-ECDYSONE ON THE DIFFERENTIATION OF DENDRANTHEMA MORIFOLIUM EXPLANT Studies on chemical constituents in roots and rhizomes of Trillium tschonoskii (II) Studies on Polypodine B of Murdannia triquetra Wall Brückn Effects of camptothecin on juvenile hormone and ecdysone titer in diamondback moth Plutella xyllostella Ecdysteroids from the Roots of Serratula chinensis Molecular cloning,sequence analysis and expression of ecdysone receptor gene from Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Chemical constituents of Premna serratifolia Chemical constituents of Premna serratifolia Chemical constituents from roots tubers of Serratula chinensis Effects of growth regulator and culture methods on rooting of Ajuga lobata and content of β-ecdysone Chemical constituents in Paris polyphylla var. pseudothibetica Beneficial effect of ecdysterone on rat myocardial infarction induced by coronary occlusion

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