Relationship between Anatomical Structures of Populus euphratica and Ecoenvironment Vascular development in the segment grafts of Cucurbita in Vitro THE ANATOMICAL OBSERVATION ON THE UNITING PROCESS OF WALNUT GRAFTING BRANCH Hormonal Regualtion of Vascular Tissue Differentiation in Graft Unions Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Vascular Tissue-specific Promoter from Populus tomentosa CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSION OF RaWUS GENE IN Rosa canina ON MORPHOLOGICAL ALTERATION OF TRANSGENIC TOBACCO LEAVES The Commelina Yellow Mottle Virus Promoter Is a Strong Promoter in Vascular Tissue of Transgenic Gossypium hirsutum Plants Primary Vasculature of the Root—Stem Transitional Zone in Robinia pseudoacacia L. Seedlings Change in the Concentration and Tissuelocalization of Endogenous IAA During the Regeneration of Vascular Tissues After Xylem Removal in Broussonetia papyrifera THE VASCULAR TISSUE AND THE TRACHEARY ELEMENT IN THE CALLUS ON HYPOCOTYL OF CABBAGE IN VITRO Response of Root to Na+ and Changes of Vascular Tissue of Two Glycyrrhiza Species under NaCl Stress SA Induction of a Grapevine Class ⒒ Chitinase Gene VCH3 Promoter in Transgenic Tobacco Vascular Tissue ANAC005 is a membrane-associated transcription factor and regulates vascular development in Arabidopsis

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