CLONING, EUKARYOTIC EXPRESSION AND EXPRESSION PATTERN OF SPHINGOMYELIN SYNTHASE-RELATED GENE (CsSMSr) FROM Chilo Suppressalis (WALKER) Relationship between biological quality and nutrition of rice and damage of Chilo suppressalis STUDIES ON THE ACTION THRESHOLD OF RICE STRIPED BORER ON HYBRID RICE The boring behavior and its control strategy of stripped stem borer on water oat,Zizania caduciflora AN EFFICIENCY COMPARISON OF SEVERAL TRAPPING EQUIPMENTS BAITED WITH SEX PHEROMONE FOR CAPTURING MALE MOTHS OF RICE STRIPED STEM BORER,Chilo suppressalis(WALKER) Genetics of cryIA(b) gene and its mediated resistance in transgenic rice Resistance of different rice varieties to the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis , and its relationship with the morphological and anatomic characteristics of rice Effects of parasitization by Cotesia chilonis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on larval immune responses of Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) STUDIES ON THE MIXED DAMAGE AND ECONOMIC THRESHOLD OF SHEATH BLIGHT AND STEM BORER TO HYBRID RICE Limited divergence among populations of rice striped stem borer in southeast China caused by gene flow: Implications for resistance management Cold hardiness of overwintering larvae of Chilo suppressalis at different ages Bioactivity of avermectins to Chilo suppressalis Walker and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée and the influence to natural enemies in the paddy fields Resistance of Progenies from Crosses between Bt Transgenic Rice and Conventional Rice Varieties to Stripe Stem Borer Chilo suppressalis Genetic Effects of Cytoplasm and Nucleoplasmic Interaction on Resistance to Chilo suppressalis in Hybrid Rice RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT OF CHILO SUPPRESSALIS FROM JIANGSU PROVINCE AND ITSRESISTANCE MECHANISM TO METHAMIDOPHOS Contact toxicities of various pesticides commonly applied in the paddy field to Cotesia chilonis female adults from four different locations

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