Anatomical Structures of Leaves and Taxonomic Values in Iris from the North of China Chemical constituents from Iris scariosa and Iris halophila var. sogdiana Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis Koidz. and I. sanguinea Hormen. Macroscopic Identification of Rhizome of Iridaceae Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis Koidz. and I. sanguinea Hormen. Identification of Belamcanda chinensis and related Chinese materia medica of Iris RAPD analysis RAPD Analysis on Some Germplasm of Iris L. Plants Effects of leaf orientation on photosynthetic characteristics and photoinhibition in Iris L. seedlings Flavonoids in plants of Iris L. and their biological activities