Distant Hybridization Compatibility of Paeonia lutea and Morphological Analysis of Its Progenies Distant Hybridization Compatibility of Paeonia lutea and Morphological Analysis of Its Progenies Study on origin and authentication of medicinal materials of Dalbergiae Lignum in crude drug‘s market Content comparison of buddleoside and pectolinarin in Cirsium japonicum, C.leo and C.leducei Disease of root-knot nematode and control strategy in medicinal plants Identification of Medicinal and Edible Tender Shoots of Aralia in China Morphological and molecular identification of the larvae of three species of important dermestid pests Screening and Identification of Cucumber–Sour Cucumber Introgression Lines Resistant to the Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita Pathogen identification from soft rot disease of onion bulbs in Jiayuguan, Gansu province Pharmacognostical study on four origin plants of folk medicine Sikuaiwa Morphological Identification of Fruits from 16 Illicium Species Screening and Identification of Cucumber–Sour Cucumber Introgression Lines Resistant to the Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita Preliminary Anatomy Study on Leaf of Lonicera maackii Study on commercial specification of atractylodes based on Delphi method Identification of the pathogen causing brown rot of Chinese Dwarf Cherry(Cerasus humilis