Soil respiration characteristics in winter wheat field in North China Plain Effect of crop-residue incorporation on soil CO2 emission and soil microbial biomass Effect of straw pretreatment on soil microbial biomass and respiration activity Seasonal variations of soil microbial biomass,respiration rate and CH4 emission in black earth rice fields Changes in structural components and respiration rates of coarse woody debris at the initial decomposition stage for 11 temperate tree species A review of research progress and future prospective of forest soil carbon stock and soil carbon process in China A short-term effect of simulated acid rain on the soil respiration of the compound system of Chinese fir seedling-soil Soil respiration rates and its relation with environmental factors in Horqin Sand Land CO2 Flux Components,Their Contributions to Stem Respiration and the Key Impact Factors in Stems of Larch Biosynthesis and Function of Glutathione in Plant Effects of Heat and Drought Stresses on Growth and Tespiration in Different Cultivar of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Effects of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis and Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Metabolism Enzyme Activity in Ginger Leaves Effects of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis and Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Metabolism Enzyme Activity in Ginger Leaves Effect of Dormancy with Leaves on Respiration of Grape Buds During Dormancy Release Effect of Dormancy with Leaves on Respiration of Grape Buds During Dormancy Release STUDIES ON RESPIRATION AND CYANIDE RESISTANT RESPIRATION INTENSITY OF YOUNG SHOOT OF HYBRID RICE PHOTOYNTHESIS AND RESPONSE TO WATER STRESS OF TOBACCO AT THE ROOT EXTENDING STAGE A STUDY ON THE MEASUREMENT OF CO 2 EMISSION FROM THE SOIL OF THE SIMULATED Quercus Liaotungensis FOREST SAMPLED FROM BEIJING MOUNTAIN AREAS EFFECT FACTORS OF SOIL RESPIRATION AND THE TEMPERATURE‘S EFFECTS ON SOIL RESPIRATION IN THE GLOBAL SCALE THE MECHANISM OF PHOTOPROTECTION DURING LIGHT ENERGY TRANSFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH META- BOLISM OF DISSIPATING ENERGY IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS Respiration Rate and Endogenous Hormone Levels in Relation to the Flower Development of Tree Peonies