A QUANTITATIVE DISCUSSION ON FOREST COVERAGE OF THE OPTIMUM FOREST PROTECTIVE EFFECT STUDIES ON THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND THE SYNTHETICAL EFFICIENCIES OF AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM ON SLOPE IN THE HILLY REGION OF SICHUAN BASIN SELECTION OF FOREST BELTS AND MULTIPLE CROPPING SUBSYSTEMS IN THE AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM ON SLOPE IN THE HILLY REGION OF SICHUAN BASIN Effects of fertilizer application regimes on soil N2O emissions in the croplands of purple soil in the Sichuan Basin during wheat season Effects of different governance patterns of small watershed on fractal features of soil micro-aggregates in the hilly areas of central Sichuan Basin Impact of future climate change on climatic resources and potential productivity of maize in Sichuan Basin Spatial variability of iron and manganese contents in shallow groundwater in the west of Sichuan Basin Spatial variability of soil organic carbon and related controlling factorsin Renshou County, Sichuan Province Effects of ridge-cultivation and plastic film mulching on root distribution and yield of spring maize in hilly area of central Sichuan basin, China. Characteristic study on village landscape patterns in Sichuan Basin hilly region based on high resolution IKONOS remote sensing Spatial variability of soil C/N ratio and its influence factors at a county scale in hilly area of Mid-Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. The suitable potassium fertilizer rate in spring maize in hilly area of central Sichuan Basin, China Characteristics of Grain Filling in Wheat Growing in Sichuan Basin Yield Component and Dry Matter Accumulation in Wheat Varieties with 9000 kg ha−1 Yield Potential in Sichuan Basin