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Protein phosphorylation
Photosynthetic Functions of Rice Improved by 2,3-eroxypropionate
Am ylase Activities are Stim ulated by Protein Phosphorylation in Apple Fruit
Am ylase Activities are Stim ulated by Protein Phosphorylation in Apple Fruit
Effect of calcium on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation and related to protein phosphorylation in wheat
Effect of active fractions in Erjing Pill on learning dysmnesia of rat with kidney-YIN deficiency and its molecular mechanism
Effect of Quercetin on Activity of Protein Kinase and Correlative Indexes Caused by Pollination in Self-Incompatible Brassica oleracea L.
Nitric Oxide and Brassinosteroids Mediated Fungal Endophyte-Induced Volatile Oil Production Through Protein Phosphorylation Pathways in
Atractylodes lancea
Reversible Protein Phosphorylation Regulates Transmembrane Ion Movements in Plant Cells
Activity, but not Expression, of Soluble and Cell Wall-Bound Acid Invertases Is Induced by Abscisic Acid in Developing Apple Fruit
Involvement of Protein Phosphorylation in Water Stress-induced Antioxidant Defense in Maize Leaves
Optimization of Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Condition for Rice Grain Protein and Comparison of Relevant Proteomic Methods
Effect of Osmotic Shock on Protein Phosphorylation in Dunaliella salina Cells