INVESTIGATION AND PRACTICE ON THE EPIPHYTOTIC TENDENCY PREDICTION OF SPRING WHEAT YELLOW DWARF VIRUS (BYDV) IN NINGXIA Identify of the epidemic BYDV strains in south of Shanxi Province and IPM of BYDV Identification of Molecular Markers for the Thinopyrum intermedium Chromosome 2Ai-2 with Resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus STUDIES ON THE MAIN VECTOR POPULATIONS AND PREDOMINANT STRAINS OF BARLEY YELLOW DWARF VIRUS (BYDV) IN THE SPRING WHEAT AREA OF HEBEI PROVINCE Identification and Functional Analysis of a Wheat Resistance Analogous Gene BRG1 Effect of BYDV Infection on the Cell Surface Glycoproteins in Common Wheat,Wheatgrass and Octoploid Wheat-Wheatgrass Advances in barley yellow dwarf virus resistance heredity in wheat breeding Breeding and Cytological and Molecular Identification of a New Wheat Line YW243 with BYDV Resistance Isolation of Resistance Gene Candidates by a Resistance Gene Analog of Thinopyrum intermedium and Pooled-PCR The Movement Protein of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus is a Suppressor of RNA Silencing Functional Analysis of TNBL1 Gene in Wheat Defense Response to Barley yellow dwarf virus Using BSMV-VIGS Technique Interaction between Wheat Resistance-related Kinase TiDPK1 and BYDV Coat Protein PHENOTYPIC IDENTIFICATION AND MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF A WHEAT LINE MUTANT YW642 INDUCED BY EMS

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