Establishment of Plant Regeneration from Leaves Explants of Wild Roscoeacautleoides in Yunnan Studies on the Histology and Ultrastructure of the Initiation of Rhizoids and Protocorm-like Bodies(PLBs)Induced from the Leaf Explants of Rosa canina Organogenesis in Leaf Explants of Begonia coccinea STUDY ON MICROPROPAGATION OF Begonia macuiata Radd. Tissue culture and cytological observations of leaf explants of Curculigo orchioides Studies on the Histology and Ultrastructure of the Initiation of Rhizoids and Protocorm-like Bodies(PLBs)Induced from the Leaf Explants of Rosa canina CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON DEDIFFERENTIATION INITIATION OF LEAF EXPLANTS IN BEGONIA COCClNEA Factors Affecting Shoot Regenera tion from Leaf and Hypocotyl Explants ofPlatanus acerifolia Willd. Factors Affecting Shoot Regenera tion from Leaf and Hypocotyl Explants ofPlatanus acerifolia Willd. Establishment of Plant Regeneration from Leaves Explants of Wild Roscoeacautleoides in Yunnan Organogenesis of Lear Explants of Momordica grosvenori Swingle In Vitro REGENERATION OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA BY LEAF EXPLANT Establishment of Plant Regeneration from Leaves Explants of Rosa hybrida

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