Ecosystem engineers: theory and applications Population viability analysis for the Yangtze finless porpoise APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY ON CONSERVATION BIOLOGY Interactions between invasive plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A review. Origin and essence of island biogeography and metapopulation theory CONSERVATION BIOLOGY BASED ON THE SPATIAL ANALYSIS Comparative Studies on Pollination Biology of Mosla hangchouensis and M.chinensis (Labiatae) A Preliminary Study on Conservation Genetics of Endangered Vatica guangxiensis (Dipterocarpaceae) Assessment of Genetic Variation of Oryza granulata Detected by RAPDs and ISSRs Floristic Characteristics of Forest Communities, Damaged by Ice Disaster, in the Middle Section of Nanling Mountain, China and the significance in Conservation Global Warming: Can Existing Reserves Really Preserve Current Levels of Biological Diversity? Distribution patterns of giant panda in Guanyinshan and Foping nature reserves. Studies on genetic diversity in Changium smyrnioides Wolff (Umbelliferae) STUDIES ON CONSERVATION BIOLOGY OF SARUMA HENRYI OLIV. Phylogenetic diversity of microbes and its perspectives in conservation biology RESEARCH PROGRESSES OF GENETIC DIVERSITY IN PLANTS

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