Effects of PSB and AMF on Growth,Microorganisms and Soil Enzyme Activities in the Rhizosphere of Taxus chinensis var.mairei Seedlings Growth Differences between Six Provenances of Taxus chinensis var.mairei at Seedling and Young Stage Review on Taxus chinensis var.mairei tissue culture research Relationships Between the Growth and Taxol Content of Taxus chinensis var. mairei and Environment Factors Fruit Settings of Taxus chinensis var.mairei in Responding to Different Pollination Types Studies on the cutting propagation of Taxus chinensis var.mairei.Ⅳ.Effects of rooting powder on the rooting of the cutting Studies on the cutting propagation of Taxus chinensis var.mairei.Ⅲ.Effects of foliage fertilizer and transparency on growth of the cut seedlings Function Differentiation and Compartmentalization of Cell Aggregates in Cell Suspension Culture of Taxus chinensis var.mairei Isolation and Identification of the Taxol-producing Endophytic Fungi from Taxus chinensis var. mairei Study on Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Taxus chinensis var. mairei A STUDY ON ESSENTIAL OIL COMPOSITION IN LEAVES OF TAXUS CHINENSIS VAR. MAIREI