Influence of global warming on winter wheat yield in Henan Province Relationship between Brix Value and Fermentable Sugar Content in Sweet Sorghum Juice MEASURING LEAF AREA IN PEAR TREE USING REGRESSION EQUATION METHOD STUDIES ON THE EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT OF WOOD IN XIAMEN REGION STUDIES ON THE EPIDEMIC AND FORECAST OF ROOT-ROT TUNG-OIL TREE EStablishment of Biomass and Volume Tables for Acacia auriculiformis Chlorophyll Fluorescence Quenching Characteristics of Seven Coniferous and Broadleaved Species in Different Light Intensities Regression Models of Above-Ground Biomass of Fargesia nitida in Dengsheng Area in Wolong Nature Reserve Prevalent forecast of kiwifruit bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae Path Analysis on Seed Yield Components of Wild Medicago ruthenica Estimation of leaf area of dominant mangrove plants in Quanzhou Bay Estuarine wetland Impacts of Main Meteorological Factors on Emergence Rate of Carpomyia vesuviana Overwinter Generation Adult in Turpan Analysis on phytogeographical elements of Quercus mongolica community in northeast China Study on Seedling-stage Biomass of Provenances of Camptotheca acuminata THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BINOMIAL STOCK VOLUME TABLES OF POPLAR