‘Eli 1’—A Early-season Maturity Pear Variety ‘Yuhua 2’A Mid-season Peach Variety Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Growth and Active Oxygen Scav􀀁enging System in Cucumber under Different Light Intensities Characteristics of Sterility in CMS 3411-7 of Chinese Cabbage Sensitive to Low Temperature Preliminary Study on Transformation of Tumor Suppressor Gene p53 into Tomato A Study on the Regulating Self􀀁incompatibility of Brassica oleracea L. by Inhibitor or Activitor of Protein Kinase ‘Eli 1’—A Early-season Maturity Pear Variety Obtaining Transgenic Plants of Chinese Cabbage Resistant to Pieris rapae L.with Modified CpTI Gene (sck) Differences of S-glycoprotein Content in the Styles among Pear Cultivars Differing in Self incompatible Strength A New Late-ripening Peach Variety—‘Qinwang’ A Study on the Regulating Self􀀁incompatibility of Brassica oleracea L. by Inhibitor or Activitor of Protein Kinase A New Late-ripening White-flesh Sweet Nectarine Variety- ‘Qinguang 2’ A New Late-ripening White-flesh Sweet Nectarine Variety- ‘Qinguang 2’ Selection of Salt-tolerance Variants from China Pink Diagnosis and Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Cauliflower Mosaic Virus inBrassica Crops Which Was Transformed with CaMV Gene VI ‘Yuhua 2’A Mid-season Peach Variety Ultracytochemical Localization of ATP􀀁ase Activity in The Cells of Jas􀀁minum Sambac L. Seedlings and Its Relation to Chilling Tolerance Synthesis of Cytoplasm Hybrid of Non􀀁heading Chinese Cabbagethrough Asymmetric Electric Fusion of Protoplast Cell Ultracytochemical Localization of ATP􀀁ase Activity in The Cells of Jas􀀁minum Sambac L. Seedlings and Its Relation to Chilling Tolerance Synthesis of Cytoplasm Hybrid of Non􀀁heading Chinese Cabbagethrough Asymmetric Electric Fusion of Protoplast Cell Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Growth and Active Oxygen Scav􀀁enging System in Cucumber under Different Light Intensities Characteristics of Sterility in CMS 3411-7 of Chinese Cabbage Sensitive to Low Temperature A New Late-ripening Peach Variety—‘Qinwang’ Selective Breeding of a New Breed of Magnolia denudata from Radiation􀀁induced Mutation of Callus Winter Injury Index and Lethal Low Temperature for Introducted AmericanAlmond in Lanzhou, China Selection of Salt-tolerance Variants from China Pink Diagnosis and Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Cauliflower Mosaic Virus inBrassica Crops Which Was Transformed with CaMV Gene VI Preliminary Study on Transformation of Tumor Suppressor Gene p53 into Tomato Establishment of an Efficient RAPD Protocol in Pepper and Its Application in Genetic Purity Testing of F1 Seeds Selective Breeding of a New Breed of Magnolia denudata from Radiation􀀁induced Mutation of Callus Obtaining Transgenic Plants of Chinese Cabbage Resistant to Pieris rapae L.with Modified CpTI Gene (sck) Differences of S-glycoprotein Content in the Styles among Pear Cultivars Differing in Self incompatible Strength

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