PATHOGEN IDENTIFICATION OF LEAF DISEASES AND THE STUDY ON THE MAIN DISEASES IN SPRING BROAD BEAN IN GANSU PROVINCE Isolation and indentification of the pathogens causing Potato Verticillium wilt in Gansu OCCURRENCE AND PATHOGEN IDENTIFICATION OF GENTIAN LEAF SPOT Preliminary Identification and Analyses of Viruses Causing Pepper Virus Disease in Chongqing,China Preliminary Identification and Analyses of Viruses Causing Pepper Virus Disease in Chongqing,China Occurrence of Pythium root rot in turf grass and identification of the pathogen Pathogen identification of Ageratum conyzoides bacterial wilt disease and its biological characteristics Detection and identification of the pathogen causing kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) leaf curl disease in Hainan Province of China Three New Fungous Disease of Forage Grasses

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