Geographical diversification of growth-defense strategies in an invasive plant Effects of Soil Types on Contents of Scutellarin and Caffeates in Erigeron breviscapus Effects of soil resource availabilities on vertical distribution and dynamics of fine roots in a Caragana korshinskii plantation Effects of fertilization on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Elymus nutans roots. Proximate and ultimate determinants of food chain length Compensatory growth of Carex scabrirostris in different habitats in alpine meadow Factors affecting plant primary productivity of grasslands:a review Influences of Resource Availability and Intraspecific Competition on Elymus nutans Growth and Reproduction Community Invasibility and Environmental Stress SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF FINE ROOT BIOMASS, ROOT LENGTH DENSITY, SPECIFIC ROOT LENGTH AND SOIL RESOURCE AVAILABILITY IN A LARIX GMELINI PLANTATION

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