Effects of Ethylene and Its Inhibitors on Flower Opening and Senescence of Cut Roses Nano-silver Treatments Alleviated the Harmful Effects of Exogenous Ethylene on Cut Roses Screening and Identification of RhTSPO1,an Interacting Protein of Ethylene Receptor RhETR3 in Cut Roses Effect of Ethylene on Cut Flowers of Tree Peony ‘Luo Yang Hong‘ Opening and Senescence Process and Endogenous Ethylene Biosynthesis Effect of Ethylene on Cut Flowers of Tree Peony ‘Luo Yang Hong‘ Opening and Senescence Process and Endogenous Ethylene Biosynthesis Isolation of RhTRE1 and Its Expression in Response to Ethylene During Flower Opening of Roses The Proteinase Activity and Types of Osmanthus fragrans Petals During Flower Opening and Senescence Effects of Ethylene and Its Inhibitors on Flower Opening and Senescence of Cut Roses Difference of Endopeptidase Activity in Petals between Two Cut Rose Cultivars with Diferent Tolerance to W ater Deficit Stress during Flower Opening and Senescence Difference of Endopeptidase Activity in Petals between Two Cut Rose Cultivars with Diferent Tolerance to W ater Deficit Stress during Flower Opening and Senescence Screening and Identification of RhTSPO1,an Interacting Protein of Ethylene Receptor RhETR3 in Cut Roses Isolation of RhTRE1 and Its Expression in Response to Ethylene During Flower Opening of Roses The Proteinase Activity and Types of Osmanthus fragrans Petals During Flower Opening and Senescence Nano-silver Treatments Alleviated the Harmful Effects of Exogenous Ethylene on Cut Roses Isolation of NCED,the Key ABA Biosynthesis Gene and Its Function Analysis in Flowering Regulation of Bougainvillea glabra