Emergence pattern of weed seedling community in direct-seeding cotton fields in the southwest of Anhui Province Grey Correlation Analysis between Main Climatic Factors and Active Compounds, Antioxidant Activity of Potentilla glabra Leaves A comprehensive evaluation of nutritional value of nine shrubs in the karst area of northwest Guizhou Grey correlation for main climatic factors and quality of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge) Evaluation of the nutritive value of 42 kinds of forage in Guizhou Province by grey relational grade analysis Seedling index of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its simulation model. Study on purification technology of total flavonoids from Schizonepetae Herba with resistance of Caco-2 cells based on grey correlation degree analysis Comprehensive Evaluation of Woody OilBearing Plants in Yunnan as Sources for Biodiesel Evaluation of Agronomic Traits and Nutritional Values of Glycine max with Different Seed Coat Colors Grey Connection Analysis on Regeneration Rate and Yield of Alfalfa and Environment Factors in Glasshouse Conditions Extraction technique of polysaccharide from Hedyotis diffusa by T‘S correlation degree Comparison Experiment of Four Setaria sphacelata Varieties in Rainy Southern Subtropical Areas of Yunnan