Sequence Analysis of the cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed in theOvaries of Cymbidium hybridium after Pollination Preliminary Study on the Florescence of Cymbidium Golden Elf‘Sundust’ Genomic DNA Extraction and RAPD Protocols for Cymbidium hybridium igh Efficient Polyploid Induction of Cymbidium hybridium Isolation and Identification of the Antagonistic Bacterial Strain ZL7-5 Against Root Rot Disease of Cymbidium hybridium Isolation and Identification of the Antagonistic Bacterial Strain ZL7-5 Against Root Rot Disease of Cymbidium hybridium Preliminary Study on the Florescence of Cymbidium Golden Elf‘Sundust’ Sequence Analysis of the cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed in theOvaries of Cymbidium hybridium after Pollination Induction and Propagation of Hybrid Protocorm Like-body of Crosses betweenCymbidium sinense and Cymbidium hybridium

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