Controlling Effects of Alcohol Extract of Artocarpus heteropyhllus on the Population of Diamondback Moth and First Analyzing the Active Chemical Composition The efficacy of BIOACT-T35 against striped flea beetle,Phyllotreta striolata (F.) Simulation of Plutella xylostella population control by granulosis virus Inhibition effects of ethyl acetate extracts of Momordica charantia leaves on the experimental population of Spodoptera litura Controlling Effects of Alcohol Extract of Artocarpus heteropyhllus on the Population of Diamondback Moth and First Analyzing the Active Chemical Composition Effectiveness of natural enemies on Spodoptera litura Evaluation of non-host plant ethanol extracts against Plutella xylostella population The evaluation of parasitoids on the population control of Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: agromyzidae) Evaluation of the effectiveness of PxGV on the population dynamics of Plutella xylostella L Evaluation on the controlling effects of eight insecticides on the natural population of citrus leaf-miner Controlling effects of plant extracts and pesticides on Myzus persicae and Lipaphis erysimi populations Suppressive effects of non-preferable plant alcohol extracts on diamondback moth Plutella xylostella population Suppressive effect of plant secondary substances and ecological measures on Liriomyza sativae population Repellency of α-pinene against stripped flea beetle,Hyllotreta striolata(F). Study on life parameters in natural population of Spodoptera litura (Fabrieius) Studies on the effect of the plant protector BIOACT-T35 against diamond back moth Plutella xylostella L. Effect of plant alcohol extracts on vegetable aphids and their parasitoids Suppressive effect of secondary substances on Liriomyza sativae population

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