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mineral nitrogen
Decomposition characteristics of maize roots derived from different nitrogen fertilization fields under laboratory soil incubation conditions
Influence of residues and earthworms application on N
O emissions of winter wheat
Root-layer soil nitrogen use of greenhouse tomato under reducing nitrogen topdressing with reclaimed water irrigation
Influence of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Supply on the Composition of Tomato Seedling Root Exudates, Xylem and Phloem Sap Grown in Hydroponic Culture
Effects of treatments with water and fertilization on nitrate leaching loss in the piedmont of Taihang mountain
Absorption and apparent budget of nitrogen by direct-seeding rice cultivated in aerobic soil with or without mulching
Study on the nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization of livestock and poultry manure in red soil
Difference of nitrogen utilization and distribution of mineral nitrogen in soil profile by competitive abilities of intercropping systems
Changes of soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and mineral nitrogen after a long-term different fertilization
Flaveria bidentis
decomposition and residual body regeneration in soils
Effects of combined application of inorganic fertilizer with straw and pig slurry and their compost on wheat growth and nitrogen uptake
Nutrient characteristics of four kinds of winter green manure and their influences on soil mineral nitrogen before incorporation
Effects of combined application of biogas slurry with chemical fertilizers on fruit qualities of
Prunus persica
L. and soil nitrogen accumulation risk
Some effects of inorganic fertilizer and recycled crop nutrients on soil nitrogen supply and paddy rice production in the red earth region of China
Response of soil mineral nitrogen accumulation and enzyme activities to nitrogen application in spring maize
Effects of water condition and nitrogen level on soil dissolved nitrogen compounds