STUDIES ON THE ADAPTAEITY AND TO LERANCE OF LEYMUS CHINENSIS TO SALINITY IN SALINIZED GRASSLAND IN THE SONGNEN PLAIN Allelopathic Effects of Salicylic Acid Stress on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Osmosis-regulating Substances in Different Chinese Fir Clones EFFECT OF 1-MCP NEGATIVE PRESSURE OSMOSIS TREATMENT ON
Effects of NaCl stress on substances linked to osmotic adjustment and on photosynthetic physiology of Melilotoides ruthenica in the seedling stage Glands structure of liquorice and its regulation mechanism on osmosis stress The Character of MhHSP70 from Malus hupehensis and Its Response to the Stress of Cadmium and Osmosis Effect of NaCl Stress on Physiological Index of Nitraria tangutorum Seedling Effects of Half -and Whole -rhizoshpere Droughts on Osmosis - regulating Substances in In Vitro Seedlings of Gala Apple (Malus pumila Mill.) Comparative study on transdermal osmosis in vitro of Aconitum brachypodiumliniment,gel and patcher Na+ and Water Uptake in Relation to the Radial Reflection Coefficient of Root in Arrowleaf Saltbush Under Salt Stress The Character of MhHSP70 from Malus hupehensis and Its Response to the Stress of Cadmium and Osmosis Influence of reverse osmosis concentrate on physicochemical parameters of Sini decoction material system and their relevance Studies on the Adaptability and Tolerance of Puccinellia tenuiflora to Salinity in the Salinized Grassland in Songnen Plain