Stomatal Traits are Evolutionarily Associated with Vein Density in Basal Angiosperms Fruit Types of Angiosperm and Their 4 Life Forms in Tibet and Its Southeastern Region Gynomonoecy in angiosperms: phylogeny, sex expression and evolutionary significance Phylogeny of Trimeniaceae: A Review Consideration on some viewpoints in researches of the origin of angiosperms Accelerated evolution of early angiosperms: Evidence from ranunculalean phylogeny by integrating living and fossil data The Pleiomorphic Plant MTOC: An Evolutionary Perspective On extant primitive angiosperms and their phytogeography Enantiostyly in angiosperms and its evolutionary significance Progress in Studies on Floral Development of Angiosperms and Some Consideration on Future Studies Centenary on S.G.Nawaschin‘s Discovery of Double Fertilization: Retrospects and Prospects Research Progress in Suspensor of Angiosperms A tentative designation of Chinese names for the non-Chinese angiospermous families Origin and Early Evolution of Angiosperms: Retrospect and Prospects The Tertiary Vegetation and Flora and Floristic Regions in China On Some Distribution Patterns and Some Migration Routes Found in the Eastern Asiatic Region Epigenetic Research Progress on Flowering Time and Flower Organ Development in Angiosperms Epigenetic Research Progress on Flowering Time and Flower Organ Development in Angiosperms PROGRESS IN PLANT TAXONOMY IN THE PAST TWO DECADES What attributes correlate with invasiveness of herbaceous angiosperms in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai? Additions to Flora of Gansu Province A Cytological Study of Plastid Inheritance in Angiosperms Axial nature of the cupule-bearing organ in Caytoniales Phylogeny of Amborellaceae:a review Origin of flowers:hypotheses and evidence Meiotic studies in some selected angiosperms from the Kashmir Himalayas Integrating Early Cretaceous fossils into the phylogeny of living angiosperms: Magnoliidae and eudicots Review of plant biogeographic studies in Brazil On the Affinities and the Role of the Chinese Flora

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