Decomposition of Triploid populus tomentosa fine root and Lolium multiflorum grass root in a composite ecosystem and their nutrient dynamics Effect of Fine Root (Grass Root) Added to Soil on Soil Active Qrganic Carbon Under Different Temperature Condition in the Laboratory Microcosm The composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from damaged Artemisia frigida Willd. plants and their effects on root growth and development of pasture plants Fine Root and Grass Root Decomposition in an Intercropping System of Triploid Populus tomentosa and Lolium multiflorum Established on Land Converting from Farmland Soil enzyme dynamics during fine root (including grass root) decomposition in different farmland-to-forest/grassland conversions in the rainy zone of western China Fine Root and Grass Root Decomposition and N Dynamics in Four Land Use Types of Converting Farmland to Forest Carbon dynamics of fine root (grass root) decomposition and active soil organic carbon in various models of land use conversion from agricultural lands into forest lands Varieties of soil microorganisms decomposing Betula luminifera fine roots and Hemarthria compressa roots Occurrence of Pythium root rot in turf grass and identification of the pathogen Biomass of Fine Root and Its Relationship with Water-Stable Aggregate in Compound Lands of Triploid Populus tomentosa on Lands Converted from Agricultural Lands

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