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climate response
Growth response of
Abies fargesii
to climate in Shennongjia Mount of Hubei Province, Southeastern China.
High altitude
Pinus taiwanensis
Hayata growth response to climate in Jiulongshan and Guniujiang, Southeastern China.
Treering growth responses of Mongolian oak (
Quercus mongolica
) to climate change in southern Northeast: A case study in Qianshan Mountains.
Relationships of Stable Carbon Isotope of
Abies faxoniana
Tree-Rings to Climate in the Sub-Alpine Forest in Western Sichuan
The spatial-temporal distribution of Namalycastis abiuma in the Futian mangrove wetland of Shenzhen Bay as well as its relationship to climate response
Climate response of tree growth along an altitudinal gradient in the Changbai Mountains, Northeast China
Relationships of stable carbon isotope of
Abies faxoniana
tree-rings to climate in sub-alpine forest in Western Sichuan
The response process to extreme climate events of the household compound system in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain
Climate-growth relationships of
Abies faxoniana
from different elevations at Miyaluo, western Sichuan, China
Difference in responses of major tree species growth to climate in the Miyaluo Mountains, western Sichuan, China.
Response of net productivity of masson pine plantation to climate change in North Subtropical Region
Evaluation of temporal stability in tree growth-climate response in Wolong National Natural Reserve, western Sichuan, China
Influence of different detrending methods on climate signal in tree-ring chronologies in Wolong National Natural Reserve, western Sichuan, China
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